You OK, Amelia? Hive asked, her voice raised a little over the droning of her wings. He shook his head, not taking his eyes off her. People have committed suicide over less, you know. Puzzled and worried she followed as he led her to a meeting room, which she trailed him into. To be honest, he was at a loss for the moment. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. At least? Muse is horrible so here is a dumping ground for whatever snippets it throws at me when i'm trying to write my ongoing fics. Fours a Party I believe qualifies, at least eventually. Spill it. A wise mans heart is seldom glad if hes truly wise" - The Poetic Edda. Oh, yes. She was similarly pretty if looked at more as a work of art than a weird looking human. The next part was worse. Not natural one, Construct. This will probably be a relatively short fic, I don't have any schedule in mind because I am writing this to amuse myself first and foremost. At first she dismissed it as imagination, but it got louder and louder, suddenly stopping somewhere above her and to the right. Whoever is behind it seems curious about everything. Eventually, his hands stilled, then he very slowly raised the gun and looked down the barrel. I may troll her a little now and then just to keep her honest but her crimes towards me are a long way in the past from my point of view. She sighed. Off. Surely she couldn't mean Less neurons, and simpler ones with a lot less synaptic connections, per insect, but a lot of insects. Im limited to arthropod-based designs right now although I can pull in all sorts of interesting DNA modifications from other things, but if it drifts too far away from what youd probably think of as an insect its nonviable. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! I was born here. Colin, I think its an AI. Undaunted, beaten but unbowed, she resolves to drag Earth Bet to a brighter tomorrow, no matter how much it kicks and screams on the way there. Alec laughed slightly while Brian went quiet, sighing a little after a second or two. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. All linked together into one huge neural network. Oh, Christ on a stick, he moaned. To every arthropod and worm on the planet. Which would be bad, he suggested, based on her tone. And call me Amy. Nearly two hundred thousand times as many neural cells. Not all of it, not yet, but quite a lot, yes. Why muggers? Perhaps not at the rating of the Simurgh but not far off it. Taylor. A faint clicking noise echoed around the room every few seconds. The insect-woman laughed. I do. It was very impressive and rather unnerving. But I have a lot of experience with AI design, and a lot of what Im seeing fits some of the patterns Ive experimented with for data mining by sentient machines. They didn't seem to recognize my costume, or care if they did. He had managed to get a Tinker-tech firebomb from somewhere and tried using it on the E88 gangers. She looked at him for a moment, then went back to watching the helicopter. There seemed to be a pair of antennae of some sort sticking up from the head area, which were gently moving around a little. Either way, here it is. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But everyone else seemed to believe it. Id expect a Brute rating of some sort, Assault added. Taylor often read fairytales when she was a child, and was endlessly amused by the talking animals, trolls, and fairies. Not any more. Slipping easily off her perch, she stood and looked around. Which makes it murder, of course. On top of a major arson case, all of it firmly in our purview, the rather obese woman sighed. Are you sure? he asked faintly. Where have you been and why didn't you call me for a pick up? Amy jumped a little, spinning around from her position at the sink in the bathroom where she'd been washing her hands to remove the dumpster-gunk, to find her sister peering in the open door watching her with mixed curiosity and worry on her face. Possibly more than everything else. It was obvious from her voice that the lack of family had an unpleasant story behind it. Not really. Wildworm A psuedo-tinker from Wildstorm appears in Brockton. So you're not human, then? he asked. Whether it was a vicious prank that went too far or a deliberate attempt at murder I have no idea so far. Get to the bottom of this, if at all possible, she replied, looking up at him from her chair. EDIT: sorry, God Girl is a one shot. Dont worry, my rule will be marked by its complete lack of despotism. She suspected that the woman holding her probably couldnt lift all that much more weight, but she seemed to have no real problems dealing with Amy. I should publish it, but Im afraid that most normal mathematicians would take one look at it and either ignore it or have an aneurysm. I think Crystal dropped her voice to a bare murmur. Please consider turning it on! Itll do for the moment. The wings began to flap rapidly as she lifted off. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. Chagas disease? If what Assault has relayed to us from his conversation is even remotely correct the raw processing power behind her is truly awe inspiring. I have little doubt that she was truthful, Dragon put in helpfully. Still, that's in the past. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. The biomass of ants alone is greater than all the people who have ever existed, and ants are only about one percent of the total number of insects world wide. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. There was a pause, then the first one replied, Never mind, must have imagined it. Amy looked up towards the position the sound come from before it stopped and thought she saw something move against the stars. Unfortunately. Vicky stared. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. It was only the fact that some bone marrow survived more or less intact that let me run a DNA test at all. He stopped speaking for a few seconds, apparently considering something, then slowly went on, Director, the one thing I can guarantee is that the Hebert girl didnt lock herself in there. Lack of emotional cues, certain trace pheromones, things like that. She looked at him with her head on one side. Two of them were carrying baseball bats while the remaining one had a machete in his hand. An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades]. You're doing well although your heartbeat is fast enough to make me suspect you're not as calm as you look. He stared again. Fuck me, this is ridiculous, Assault mumbled, looking at the results so far. A Worm/Demigods CYOA Story Chapter 1: Hi God, It's Me, Taylor Taylor Hebert knew something wasn't right the moment she woke up. Skittering Campione - Taylor becomes a Campione for killing Scion. Amy nodded. Maybe 4 or above. True. Add Mover, probably at least 3 as well, for the flight. Beautiful, is she? In a way, Amy laughed. He stared, then paled yet again. Every single arthropod could be controlled simultaneously and independently, which also required a multitasking ability way past anything else I've ever heard of. Finally, he said, Sorry, I have to ask. Fuck, she said in a small voice. Squealer is going to have to live with having lice for the rest of her life, she said in a tone that made him step back. I dont know. Would be interesting to see a story around the world after/through Taylors changes. Nothing I can pin down, nothing I can locate specifically, but a lot of it. Do you want to come in? she asked. Generally the powers escalate from weak to strongest in the world with a good scaling conflict. Every insect inside a two thousand foot radius attacking anyone involved, or she thought was involved? the woman asked wryly, making him shudder as he contemplated her words. "I can see where people might find it a little unusual. Dragon, weirdly, did. Ill do what I can to help with Endbringers, not that at the moment thats very much except dogpiling them with a hell of a lot of attack drones, which may or may not do anything useful, and I may intervene if I see a crime that needs dealing with. In a way. Assault sat there for a while during which she went back to watching the wasps dance in the air. Im compensating for it now as an autonomic action, but if I ceased to exist? She pointed at the pattern of wasps which suddenly dropped to the roof, all the two dozen members weakly twitching. "I never try to do anything, I swear i never try to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that i'm a good kid, Yeah, Taylor that's a good one. Not much of a story where everything gets solved in a couple of days, right? He looked down at the 9mm pistol he was holding tightly, his right forefinger absently flicking the safety. The cleanest image I have of it suggests the last letter might be another S, giving shes. As I said up at the top, I'm uncertain if I'll pick it up again in the future or not. This is pretty fun and lighthearted so far. Theyre not going to do anything now. Cautious and very suspicious, Amy didnt move. Well, Changer to some high level as well. Luckily for everyone concerned, that didn't happen. If youll pardon the pun. He couldnt help grinning at her comment. Someone needs to give Lisa a hug. Like I said, in my opinion shes a better person than you are. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. BBFD fire investigators have also come to the same conclusion, which is why they called us in the first place. Damn it, Piggot growled. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. I've got a rough idea of where I wanted to take it, but it's only a basic outline, and I'm not sure if it would actually work out. Somehow rolling to her feet she kept going, all the while hoping someone would help her. Cool beans. Theyve managed to somehow fix the problem without causing more than minimal environmental impact. Why? He couldn't think of a good answer for a moment. She slapped his hand away, still looking around. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started playing with it around the middle of 2015, but didn't stop working intermittently on it until after I began seriously writing Taylor Varga. Six billion or so humans on the planet, times ninety billion per human, gives a total neural capacity for the species of about five hundred and forty quintillion neurons. OK, he said slowly, wondering where she was going with this. She turned her head towards him, making him stare again, a little shocked and unnerved, although he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone. 10 even? Piggot asked, looking worried. You are using an out of date browser. The second story I started is this one. Humans. This stopped him for a few seconds. Youre shitting me, she breathed faintly. But I pretty much got better. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. It was obvious this was her doing. True. Armsmaster thought about the idea for a little while. Thats scary. Sophia, you are without doubt one of the most unpleasant people Ive ever met, he snarled back. We may have been unable to prove it before, but if and when I can rectify that She smiled unpleasantly. Sit down, Sophia, Piggot ordered in a tone of voice that brooked no disobedience. Has a bit of power wank, but most of the conflict so far is people not having figured out Taylors stronger than they are. The amount of sensory information was overwhelming for the first couple of minutes. Hive held out one of her own right hands, the delicate-looking clawed digits wrapping around Amys own fingers. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. It was, at first, she said with a sigh. You know Im tapped into it in lots of places and I have a hell of a lot of programs monitoring all sorts of data? He nodded, well aware of how closely connected to the global networks she was. Welcome to Godkiller everyone! I forced a smile and moved on. Knock out that underpinning and the entire ecology has a drastic change, which wed see very quickly. That's not really an explanation, sis, the blonde sighed. Thats more than a little worrying. No. It looks like the word she, with part of another letter at the end. It was written in blood based on the chemical analysis, Armsmaster replied. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? Subjectively it took years to come up with the right design. Fast acting. Usefully, it worked surprisingly well, most of the grime coming off instantly and the remainder being loosened enough that she could now wash it away. Who? she asked reflexively, then slapped her hands over her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the stench from whatever it was that she now had all over them from the dumpster next to her. Can also be found on Sufficient Velocity here. Thats more than a little scary he said honestly. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. Added to just the things I saw her do, if she wanted you dead, the only thing you could do would be make a will. He watched, then did the same next to her. It makes it sound so quick. Listening quietly, Assault waited while she apparently gathered her thoughts. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. But Id like to talk to you sometime, if thats OK. Curious, Amy nodded. They were standing on the sidewalk outside her house. Her head moved in a nod. I cant see it ending well. No, she agreed with a scowl. I suspect your second suggestion is most likely the correct one, Im afraid. Not hostile. literally all the conflicts just get waved away on accident. Vicky was still looking befuddled, and muttering about giant bugs. Over the last few weeks Ive seen traces of unusual activity. Unluckily, her power isn't the subtlest thing alive, and the Wards are chasing her soon after. Changer 7 to 8? But it was a little more involved really. Still, a six foot tall bug? Her sister was watching her with her head cocked to the side, a very strange expression on her face. The same. Reaching a cross alley, she looked both ways, flipped a mental coin, and turned left. Turning to her rescuer, she studied her for a moment, then indicated the house. Inside she found Director Piggot, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, and on a monitor overlooking the table they were sitting around, the face of Dragon. After quite a long time in which he tried to collect himself, he finally said weakly, So, you're in He waved a hand at the wasps. I want there to be an actual plot, setting and conflict. Youre beautiful, she said in a low voice, then went red when she realized what shed said. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. Armsmaster nodded once more, more slowly. left kudos on this work! It was basically some form of insect at heart, but hugely and expertly modified with clear intent to form what she saw. Who's Hive, why were you being chased by muggers, and why didn't you call me? Amy sat further up the bed, Vicky turning around to face her. He'd seen extreme close-up photomicrographs of various insects on the internet, some of which were genuinely beautiful in a rather alien way. Its pretty safe and works really fast. Assault sat next to Miss Militia. Wearing strange clothes that looked like they'd been stitched together from hide. Injected with chemical agent. Everywhere. Let me finish this and I'll tell you the story, OK? she suggested. Two and a half months ago when Winslow burned down. She got better, he said with a nasty grin. Tweaked a lot, of course, but it paralyzes most of the voluntary muscles without causing any deeper issues. Staring after her, he waited for a few minutes until the trembling stopped, then headed back to the Rig. Not even slightly. Miss Militia had learned over time, how to expect the unexpected. Kill all the insects, everyone on Earth follows them in a few weeks. I've enjoyed it so far, hope there will be more. Has a rewrite too which is also pretty good but incomplete, a significant enough difference in the story that reading both is recommended. I hope it finds its audience! Now, since theyre all locked, that means you must be She could hear approaching footsteps. From my point of view it's been more than four hundred years. Oh, dear. The insect control is also a definite Shaker rating, at least 2 or higher, since as she said she could make every insect in an area attack someone. What are you talking about? Relenting having managed to extract a lot of amusement out of telling her sister the story piecemeal while watching the reactions, Amy explained the entire encounter in detail, leaving nothing out. They were about to attack Panacea so you might like to give them a hard time. Taylor in Theogony is a girl with strong powers that make fighting people pretty easy. Last year there were an estimated two hundred and sixteen million cases of malaria around the world. The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. This isnt going to go away quietly. Bearing in mind the damage and the loss of life, no, Director, I dont think it will. Moving to a chair the armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks produced by the weight of his power suit. Her tormentors stole her homework and used it themselves, destroyed what they couldn't use, stole her property over and over again, including mementos of her mother, did everything they could to make her life hell. She was at the extreme other end of the loading area but it wasnt all that big so it wouldnt take them long to find her. Taylor controls all the Endbringers. It more than makes up for the greater simplicity. He stayed silent, staring wide-eyed in horror at the implications. She was terrified of telling her father, but she told the teachers, people who should have listened and done their jobs. Taylor Hebert died on the fourth of January, 2011. Mostly data searches, what looks like traces of access to databases of all sorts of information. The wasp was joined by another one, both of them taking off and flying interlocked rings. To visit familiar areas while I worked out what I'd do next. A local, then? he asked quietly. I mean, her body alone Vicky grinned. Even if I wanted to, I dont think I could do very much about it at this point, and I dont particularly want to anyway. Just basic stuff: a couple shields, anti-scrying, and a few bad-guy deterrents.. That had become almost pedestrian, while this was fun. Approaching, Amy squinted at the insect, finding the dimly lit environment annoying. There was someone in the house. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. Within that range, the control was absolute. Anyway, since I wrote it, I may as well let others read it. Not your fault, she replied. In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. I can't change what was. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. Too often it is for worse, and hope is crushed beneath annihilation. Work Search: There was a Post-GM fic where Taylor became house-wife and rising a daughter in the world where she(Khepri) is worshipped like a god and her husband is a priest of this religion, An Idiot's Guide to the Underworld [Worm/Hades] short, I didn't enjoy Hades much cause its not my type of game, but that was incredibly enjoyable, Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy, All you get are bad gradesAnd a bum rap And a bad rap And a good smackAnd no friends And no hope And no mom. I'm incurably curious, aside from anything else. This made her snicker, then shrug. But possibly a good thing, I suppose? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How much more? he asked slowly. Taylors mother was different from everyone else. I genuinely thought I'd gone mad. She sighed. Way too much work. Shaking a little as he wondered frantically how much of that had been a joke, he watched as she looked slowly around. There are other possibilities but they become successively less likely. Even the bodies would stay around for longer because theres no insects to eat them. She gazed at him. Person? Ill call you soon. Hive stepped back a few feet, watching as Amy nodded, then turned to walk up the path to the house. You tell me. Puzzled, Amy give her a look for a moment, then walked over and put her finger on the cheek of her machete-waving recent acquaintance. In her case, it was the "vision" that followed. Mental processing a couple of thousand times faster than a human? I don't know, like she's been around for a long time. Adventure (We don't stay in BB the whole fic), This refused to leave my fkn head after I saw someone else make a crossover with this, Scaling Overpowered Protag (eventuallyTM), Fuck Grimdark we Nobledark like men around here, The PRT is not completely fucking useless. She saw Assault, minus his mask, glaring at her. Youre certain of parahuman involvement in the fire? Yes, that much I am sure of. Assault stared at the figure in front of him for several seconds, trying to put his finger on it, but all he could think was that he was getting very uncomfortable all of a sudden, his heart rate rising and his body getting ready for combat. Stopping ten feet away to the side, level with her, he looked out at the sunrise for a little while, keeping her in his peripheral vision, and was forced to agree. I'll admit you look unusual, but I've seen worse. Thanks, she laughed. We're marking you as busy until further notice. You did it? I did. Yes, thanks. Yes, princes were always her favorite; after all, they were the only ones allowed to kiss the princesses awake. At least as much more in the private stuff that shouldnt be able to be accessed, yet as far as I can tell somehow was. Who, how, and why, I suppose are the main questions, he finally stated. Resolving to exercise more if she survived the next few hours, she pelted down the narrow alleyway hearing the several sets of footsteps behind her hesitate, then follow where shed turned off the main road. The story begins with Taylor encountering a homeless man in the rain and offering her umbrella to keep him dry. We confirmed it with an exemplar from her hairbrush which her father gave us. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. Sorry. But thats only my guess at the moment. Not positive. Her friend, her oldest friend, someone as close to her as a sister, suddenly wasn't. She looked at him again, while he listened. So in the end she gave up and just took it, hoping it would one day stop. That didnt normally end in anything but a big argument, which was just what her migraine needed. She shook her head. They inject a toxin which is an amazingly potent paralytic. Good idea. Caught in Causality (Dr Manhattan/Watchman). The burn pattern essentially confirms this theory. Now shes back and ready to relax into her retirement. Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. I have to ask. But, of course, they found me anyway. And this Hive person? She was going to die very soon, so using that control, her abilities came up with an interesting solution to prevent this happening. The woman stopped and turned towards him, her head tipped inquiringly and her compound eyes reflecting the light. Even through the pain and disorientation she knew what was going to happen, she knew she was going to die, and she didn't want to! The brunette shrugged. But she hasnt gotten high on her power and is still figuring out her limits. Then A little more than a year later, the girl went off to camp, and when she came back everything had changed. Acceleration Taylor can control vectors, complete. If you need me, just call for me. You still havent given me a name, he reminded her. The real question is: will there be someone left to call Taylor Hebert? Took a while to think it through but Im pleased with the result. She sounded justifiably smug. Several seconds passed while his mind was almost blank. Combined with effective invisibility it could be higher. I can hear it, she added, which didn't actually help. Run. What muggers? Because it was the right thing to do. OK, I'll tell you the rest. Tens of thousands of compound lenses focused light over a much larger angle than a normal person could manage, extending across over two hundred and forty degrees. Language: She waited, apparently willing to be patient for as long as it took. They looked at him, making him shrug. He had people to fill in. She made them. Her sister frowned a little, trying to understand. Sure enough, the suited woman, if that's what it was, possessed two pairs of arms, one set of which were folded on the air conditioning unit while the other pair hung at her sides. The footsteps slowed from a run to a walk. Twitching, she quickly released her hand, looking embarrassed. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? Everyone stared at her. Environmental impact beginning to get a Tinker-tech firebomb from somewhere and tried using it on E88... 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