You can find many exotic and strange things at markets in Bolivia, such as love potions, exotic live animals, and llama fetuses. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What continents is Spanish spoken?, Where did spanish originate?, What spanish speaking country has the largest population? The U.S. also has the 2nd largest population of Spanish speakers in the world (Mexico has the largest). One of them was charged by the U.S. for drug trafficking, civil unrest and military brutality, corruption, crime and drugs. "Largest countries in Latin America, by total area (in square kilometers)." El Salvador, Honduras, and Venezuela have the highest murder rates globally, with El Salvador having 61.7 homicides per 100,000 people. Learn more here. Mxico Native Spanish speakers: 124.85 million With a population of more than 130 million, Mexican Spanish is considered the de facto official language. Population in the states of the U.S. 2022, Highest population density by country 2021, Countries with the highest population growth rate 2021. This is due to the country's past as a Spanish colony and the extensive usage of the language following independence. These are not selling points. Another neat "attraction?" The land area of Vatican City is 0.44 km2 (0.17 sq mi), making it the smallest country in the world by land area. Travel with HomeExchange Vacation in Costa Rica Find homes in Costa Rica. Highlights: Easter Island, Punta Arenas(also claimed to be the southernmost city in the world), adventure sports in Pucn, Valparaiso street art, and sandboarding in the Atacama desert. To be even more adventurous, take a chicken bus! Due to Mexican-Latin culture and Spanish-speaking sometimes Mexico considered as a part of Central America. In the world, there are numerous Spanish-speaking nations; Spanish is the official language of 20 countries, including Puerto Rico, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador , El Salvador , Equatorial Guinea , Guatemala , Honduras Mexico and Nicaragua. Paraguay is the fifth smallest country in South America. Blame a revolution during which the government was overthrown by a dictator. There are a total of 21 countries in the world that officially speak Spanish. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Create. So, it got us thinking: Which ones are the best? But fast-forward three decades, and the country is truly thriving. Highlights: Peruvian cuisine, Machu Picchu ruins, bustling city of Lima, Nazca Lines, visiting the Amazon, Lake Titicaca, and surfing in Mancora. But look at this picture! Like the fact that some places simply aren't safe, while others are beyond fabulous for their cuisine, natural surroundings and attractions. The population of Spain is 47.7 million people. Norteamrica ( North America ), Centroamrica ( Central America ), and el Caribe ( Caribbean) Sudamrica ( South America) Europa ( Europe) and frica ( Africa) Mxico Mexico has the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world. Highlights: The 16-century Castillo San Felipe del Morro fortress jutting into the Atlantic Ocean, the historic old city of San Juan, the El Yunque tropical forest, and endless beaches. [1] Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha ( United Kingdom) However, today only a minority of Spanish speakers in the U.S. trace their language back to those times; the overwhelming majority of speakers come from recent immigration. Please do not hesitate to contact me. So, we'll start with Cuba, undoubtedly one of the most famous Spanish-speaking countries in the world. All of the nations and territories that have Spanish as their majority language are (in alphabetical order): Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela Spanish is the third most studied language in the world, after English and French. Which country has the largest population in merica Central? Unlimited one-on-one classes for a flat rate. "Largest Countries in Latin America, by Total Area (in Square Kilometers). Highlights: Barcelona & Real Madrid battling it out in El Clasico, eating tapas, architectural masterpieces such as Gauds Sagrada Familia and the fortress/palace Alhambra, heading south for some beach hopping. This is what youll login in with. The Countries of South America and When to Visit. El Callao, Venezuelas biggest carnival, is the most anticipated event of the year. Please contact support. While Spanish is designated as an optional government language in the Philippines, its usage is very limited and not present in everyday life. In 2019, almost 122 million individuals in Mexico spoke Spanish as their mother tongue. Central America is a region that is found on the Southern side of . In, CIA. (April 2, 2019). It may be one of South America's smallest countries, but the humble people of Uruguay don't mind. Highlights: Montaita beach town, Cotopaxi National Park, the Galpagos Islands (which inspired Charles Darwins theory of evolution), and Quito, one of the highest capital cities in the world (prepare for the altitude). The flags of these Hispanic countries follow the red, white and blue themes. Here, Cancun, the Riveria Maya and Puerto Vallarta are filled with all-inclusive resorts making a vacation simple: Eat, drink, enjoy the pools, water sports and nightly entertainment, and repeat. The smallest Spanish speaking country is actually Spain itself. Get to know more about Spanish-speaking countries and the Spanish language with these articles! Highlights: Arenal Volcano national park, secluded beaches of Guanacaste, and the diversity of Corcovado National Park, an 11,000-acre rainforest. According to census data and other government sources, the United States has a population of 41 million native Spanish speakers and 11.6 million bilingual individuals, which surpasses major Spanish-speaking nations such as Spain and Colombia. There are many Spanish speaking countries in the world, as Spanish is the official language of the following 20 countries, as well as Puerto Rico: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, The largest country in the world by land mass is Russia which constitutes 11% of the total landmass of the earth. Plus, Puerto Rico, a territory of the U.S., is a Spanish-speaking island in the Caribbean. Number of Spanish Speakers: 15.88 million. Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States. There's only one English speaking country in South America. Most Latin American countries, those in Central and South America, speak Spanish with an ever-increasing amount of people in the USA. Of the thirteen countries in the South American continent, there are nine countries whose official language is Spanish. Interestingly, llama fetuses are buried under houses as an offering to goddess Pachamama for good fortune. Almost 90% of Uruguay's population is of Italian or Spanish descent. With over 125 million speakers, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world. Surinames territory covers an area of 63,252 square miles to become the smallest state in South America. Upgrade to remove ads. Many Spanish-speaking countries are located around the world, most being located in South America, Latin America, and Europe. In 2008, 30.8% of students were enrolled in the Spanish education system. Equatorial Guinea (officially Repblica de Guinea Ecuatorial) is a small country on the west coast of Africa with over one million Spanish speakers. Bolivia. In the Latin American region, poverty rates differ from nation to nation. Find the top 10 on world map It is recognized by law as the country's official language (Castellano, another term for the language) and is spoken alongside 68 other languages. Gibraltar boasts the only population of wild monkeys in Europe. Gorgeous rainforests covering rolling hills, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east no wonder so many want to visit (and often relocate to) this amazing country. Question: Which European country has the smallest area? Interesting, right? Nicaragua is home to Central America's largest freshwater lake. The landlocked nation is home to South America's second-largest river, the Paraguay River, and acre upon acre of rainforests that are filled with jungle wildlife and make ecological travel a driver for tourists. Although the language was made unofficial, it is a voluntary and optional auxiliary language, and schools offer it as a subject. Please go to to log back in and re-subscribe. Click here to learn more about the slang used in Buenos Aires. Home. All of Central America uses the word plata to mean "money.". Read about the differences between Spain Spanish & Latin American Spanish. El Salvador has a tropical climate that is influenced by the elevation and the trade winds. Looking at the 21 countries where Spanish is the official language plus four where it is a majority and strong minority language, we ranked these 25 Spanish-speaking countries from worst to first based on a variety of factors. You probably know that most of these countries are in Latin America, but you may be surprised to learn that Spanish is also the official language of a country in Africa! Across these nations, there are over 442,000,000 people that speak Spanish. Statista. It's a very poor country, with 54% of all citizens living below the poverty line. Which country has the most Hispanic population? Available:, Largest countries in Latin America, by total area, Distribution of the global population by continent 2022, Countries with the largest population 2021, Countries with the smallest population 2022, Countries with the highest population decline rate 2021, Total population of Latin America and Caribbean countries 2021, Number of centenarians worldwide 2000-2100, Number of centenarians worldwide by gender 2000-2100, Largest female population share 2021, by country, Smallest female population share 2021, by country, Cities with the highest population density globally 2022, World population - forecast about the development 2022-2100, Forecast: world population, by continent 2100, Global population distribution 1800-2100, by continent, Projected world population distribution, by age group 2022-2100, Largest countries in Central America, by land area, Largest countries in South America, by land area, Largest island countries in the Caribbean sea, by land area, Surface area of Japan's main islands 2021, Agricultural land in the Netherlands 2006-2018, Surface area of the Scandinavian countries, Agricultural land in the Benelux 2016, by country, Total land area of Taipa island in Macao 2011-2021, United States - total geographical area by state, Largest countries in Latin America, by total area (in square kilometers), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, fifth-largest country in the world and the third-largest country in the Western Hemisphere, the country's population is concentrated along its coastline, 80,000 square kilometers of the Brazilian Amazon were destroyed. In Spanish, Honduras translates into "great depths," and boy, does Honduras have depth. It is a landlocked country, but it is not among the world's largest landlocked countries. The top 10 largest countries occupy nearly half of the world's dry land. Central America is North America's southernmost region. French is also spoken in some areas. The walled city of Cartegena is deemed safe just stay inside and enjoy the more traditional Colombian hospitality amidst the cobblestoned streets and colorful buildings that date back to the 16th century. The following are some of the best Spanish-speaking nations to visit. To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set The country is also home to a number of protected areas, including the El Imposible National Park and the El Boqueron National Park. Uruguay, Argentina and Chile have the lowest chronic poverty rates, with estimated poverty rates ranging between 10% and 15%. Peru - Sol. According to data from 2005, Greater Mexico City (the entire metropolitan area, including a large number of closely situated smaller settlements) has a population of approximately 22,681,726 people. Enugu State is named after its capital city known as Enugu. The nation with the second highest number of native Spanish speakers was Colombia, with over 49 million. The Hispanic culture can be exciting the food, the colorful art and the rhythmic tunes that urge you to dance. For example, the peso originally came from Spain, but as of 2002, Spain has moved to the Euro. Up until 1987, Spanish was a co-official language of the Philippines, along with English. Only $35.99/year. The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Description. Colombian artist Fernando Botero is known for his bloated, oversized depictions of animals and people. As of 2019, almost 122 million people in Mexico spoke Spanish as their mother tongue. Columbia andresr / E+ / Getty Images Continue with Recommended Cookies. And it offers so many choices of places to see and things to do. One favorite is Riviera Nayarit outside of Puerto Vallarta, where Sayulita provides a Boho beach vibe. The San Blas Islands, for one, are ripe for diving, snorkeling and sailing adventures. 1. Chile is home to the Atacama desert, the driest desert in the world. Related: Read about the differences between Spain Spanish & Latin American Spanish. Highlights: Salt flats of Salar de Uyuni, infamous death road bicycle trail in La Paz, Lake Titicaca, and Amazon rainforest. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. September 15th to October 15th is a national Hispanic Heritage Month. What are Paraguay's two official languages? Equatorial Guinea. I believe that a fun way to explore how diverse and amazing Hispanic Heritage is could be by finding a fun fact about each of the Spanish speaking countries. A former Dutch colony, Suriname has been an independent country since 1975. The country experiences a dry season from November to April and a wet season from May to October. [40] Despite this, Tagalog and other native Philippine languages incorporate a large number of Spanish loanwords, as a result of 300 years of Spanish influence. Argentina follows with almost 2.8 million square. Are you interested in testing our business solutions? Empecemos! At BaseLang, weve helped thousands of people learn Spanish, and many of our students share the same motivation for learning Spanish: Travel. [29], Spanish has no official recognition in the Central American nation of Belize, a Commonwealth realm where English is the official national language. The following is a list of countries where Spanish is an official language, plus a number of countries where Spanish or any language closely related to it, is an important or significant language. According to the source, data represents the sum of all land and water areas delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. All of this resulted in the DR's tourism numbers dropping by 80 percent, leading the nation to work harder on making travel safer. Not only is Uruguay the least corrupt of Latin American countries, but the country also sends more troops to support the United Nations than others, church and state are entirely separate, the government handed out free laptops to all of its students to improve education, and even one of its presidents was so humble he lived on a farm instead of a mansion and donated 90 percent of his salary to charity. The Spanish language is spoken in countries throughout the world. Spanish is the second most widely-spoken language in the world. To be exact, 21 countries have Spanish as their official language. Spanish speaking countries of South America As you may already know, South America is the region with the most countries that speak Spanish. Argentina is the largest Spanish-speaking nation in the world, occupying 1.8% of the total land area of the planet. [1][2] This includes Equatorial Guinea, where it is official but not a native language. Argentina is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in South America. (Distrito Federal). (Let's get started!). Thus, Latino refers to France, Spain, Italy and other regions where these languages are spoken. Enugu is situated in the southeastern part of the country. [28] Public education in Spanish, following the Spanish public education system is offered in Andorra. Argentina's expansive country provides nature and city settings, sharing awe-inspiring Patagonia with Chile and featuring South America's most-visited city, Buenos Aires. This country on the Equator is home to the world-famous Galapagos. 2015-2023 BaseLang, LLC. What is the smallest Spanish speaking island? Suriname's territory covers an area of 63,252 square miles to become the smallest state in South America. Literally. Highlights: Ancient Mayan city of Tikal, sunrise hike in Lake Atitln, and adventure sports in Semuc Champey. Travelers have caught on that Colombia is a place to be, with tourism in Colombia growing by more than 260 percent since 2002. On land, the landscape is made up of jungle and beaches with nearly 1,000 Mayan sites sprinkled about the country. Costa Rica has something for everyone, and is a great . Additionally, those three countries, as well as Brazil and Guyana, have five of the ten highest overall crime rates in the world. What is the smallest Spanish speaking country? The total area is the sum of all land and Inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers). - Coneixements i usos lingstics de la poblaci dAndorra 1995-2018. Definitely the most helpful language to learn, with over 477 million native speakers world-wide in over 21 countries, spanning over 3200 years of culture and over 100 types of chilli peppers. Countries for which there is no information are not included. The Spanish language has by far the most native speakers in the country, with 12% of the American population using it as their primary language in 2021. (Ok, were not recommending that you should travel to each country on the list, but you get the point. Twenty years ago, Equatorial Guinea struck it rich with the discovery of oil. It has a coastline along the Atlantic and shares land borders with Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil. "Observatori de l'Institut d'Estudis Andorrans", "US now has more Spanish speakers than Spain", "La presidenta filipina pedir ayuda a Espaa para oficializar el espaol", "PNoy (President Benigno Aquino III) and Spain's Queen Sofia welcome return of Spanish language in Philippine schools", "Como saharauis queremos conservar el espaol", "EL ESPAOL EN LOS CAMPAMENTOS DE REFUGIADOS SAHARAUIS (TINDUF, ARGELIA)", DepEd adds 7 languages to mother tongue-based education for Kinder to Grade 3, Nmero de hispanohablantes en pases y territorios donde el espaol no es lengua oficial, "Nieuwsbrief 070313 Papiaments officieel erkend", EJP | News | Western Europe | Judaeo-Spanish language revived, Countries by the number of recognized official languages, Countries and capitals in native languages, List of languages without official status, Languages by the number of countries in which they are recognized as an official language, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, International Organization of Turkic Culture,, Spanish-speaking countries and territories, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 16:34. The Goethe Institute is considered the world's most important cultural organization for German speakers and learners. Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas. This makes Spanish the third most-spoken language in the world, behind Chinese and English, and on par with Hindi. And, hey, we were right there with the rest of them loving the Caribbean nation that is until tourists began dying mysterious deaths. In this article, you'll learn which countries in the world speak Spanish, their capitals, and some interesting cultural facts about each country. Number of Spanish Speakers: 11.21 million. Many of these countries have evolved over time, so their currencies have changed with them. What is the longest bridge in the United States of America? You also can click on it and drag to centre the image. While there isnt a whole pile of available information on traveling there, Equatorial Guinea is currently categorized as Level 1 (exercise normal precautions) by the US Department of State Travel Advisory, which means its pretty safe to travel. The city of Mexico is the world's largest Spanish-speaking metropolis, and one of the most significant financial centers in the Americas. Costa Ricans proudly refer to themselves as. Land in Quito and you might struggle at first to make sense of the urban sprawl, but stay a day and the city starts to take shape. . [38] In spite of government promotion of Spanish, less than 0.5% of the population are able to speak Spanish at least proficiently.[39]. It received this name from Christopher Columbus for the great depths in the waters off its coasts, translating into modern-day superb diving locales. Nearly 40 percent of Californians, 30 percent of Texans, 25 percent of New York City alone and 20 percent of Floridians speak Spanish with a whopping 60 percent of Miami's population fluent in the language. Who needs the limelight when you're focused on caring for your people? The Goethe Institute promotes German culture and language and has a varied educational program. 3. Then, leave the city behind to see the glaciers, mountain peaks and scores of wild penguins at the southernmost tip of South America. The smallest Spanish speaking country in South America is Uruguay. The country is also known for its rich biodiversity and is home to a number of threatened and endangered species. Uruguay - Peso. 2. No wonder it is the sixth least-visited country in the world. The first is none other than Equatorial Guinea in Middle Africa. It is the only country with a population of over 100 million that is primarily Spanish-speaking. [30] The Census Report 2010 reported that 56.6% of Belizeans spoke Spanish. The 1970s and '80s were not kind to Latin America where coup after coup seemed par for the course. Which Spanish-speaking country in merica Central has the most land area? Nestled between Spain and France, you'll find influences from both countries, including incredible food. We had problems creating your account. Which country has the largest lake in merica Central? Colombia is the second-largest Spanish-speaking country, with 99% of its population speaking Spanish. Largest and smallest Spanish-speaking countries in the world The largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, referring to population size, is Mexico with over 118 million people (2013). As of 2012, Hispanics and Latinos make up about 17% of the total U.S. population. The political scene has been a mess in Bolivia since 2019, and human rights are struggling. ), Recommended: How to Learn Spanish Fast in 2023. Last but not least, it's the one and only Spanish speaking country in Africa! (The canal itself generates a third of the country's economy!). Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. What is the biggest Spanish-speaking city? Paraguay borders Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina. April 2, 2019. Have conversations faster, understand people when they speak fast, and other tested tips to learn faster. Nowadays, though, the definition has come to refer to Latin Americans, although its origins can be traced to the former Roman Empire. How can anyone complain about a country that cares for its environs the way Ecuador does? This institution was founded in 1951 and now has more than 150 branches all over the world, and not just in German speaking countries. But because Belize was a British colony for 200 years, its official language is actually English, so it can't be in the top five. Updated on 06/26/19. The corruption that came with democracy was embarrassing and reached the top. El Salvadors nickname is. Peru stands out because of its diverse landscapes, such as mountains, desert, canyons, cloud forests, tropical jungles, and even sandy beaches! Click here to to learn about the Spanish spoken in Equatorial Guinea. They experienced a civil war that lasted for 36 years! Mexico City, Mexico. Like this post? The population of Vatican City is around 842, making it the smallest country in the world by population. South America occupies a total geographical area of 6,886,229.3 square miles, and it is home to 12 independent states. Colombia follows next with 99 million speakers. Argentina has a total area of 2,766,880 km2. All rights reserved. The biggest religious festival in Chile is the. Catch a feisty hot tango, sample some of the best steak of your life at a Churrasco Argentino Parrilla and soak in the energy of the business capital that is Buenos Aires. What do you do when tourism increases 700 percent to your one-of-a-kind temple in the sky? Which country has a canal that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? Will it be Barcelona's artistically inspired architecture, the cosmopolitan Madrid, the culture of Seville, the hiking trails in the mountains, a pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago, dancing until sunrise on the island of Ibiza? Number of Spanish Speakers: 44.05 million. The, They prefer shallow coastal water, which means they can often come into contact with, The great white is the most dangerous shark with a recorded 314 unprovoked attacks, Zurich, Paris and Hong Kong tied for the most expensive city, according to the, Which country has the lowest cost of living in the world? How many Spanish speaking countries are in the Caribbean? But on a per unit of area basis, tiny tropical countries are biodiversity champions: Trinidad-and-Tobago . Uruguay - 181,034 sq km Poor Nicaragua. Highlights: Caribbean flavor of Cartagena, Parque Tayrona national park, Medellin nightlife, learning salsa in Cali, touring a coffee farm in the Zona Cafetera. Venezuela is a land of contrasts, with its bustling cities and stunning beaches. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023 Answers for Small landmass (4) crossword clue, 4 letters. Manage Settings Although the language is on the decline since the change, Philippine Spanish (a variant of standard Spanish) is still popular with many locals continuing to speak it, and schools continuing to teach it. There's the Andean mountains, Amazonian rainforest and colonial cities with such impressive altitude you can study Spanish with your head in the clouds. In addition to the 450 million native . Miami even holds the nickname "Latin American Capital.". This is great news because it means those who go get the uninterrupted beauty of a country committed to its natural surroundings. After that, its just $149/mo for unlimited one-on-one tutoring. This year's "attempted coup" the current president was accused of gives us flashbacks. Which countries use Spanish language? Straddling the border between Peru and Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is home to the famous floating reed islands of the Uros people. Andorra Colombia is working hard to redeem itself, and tour groups are entering the rainforests once again to explore. Spanish is the (or an) official language of 18 American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela) as well as of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, along with Spain in Europe and Equatorial Guinea Until 1989, Paraguay was not a democratic country. The geography of El Salvador is diverse and includes a variety of landscapes from the Pacific coast to the rugged interior. Thankfully, there are also destinations near popular vacation spots that get you off the beaten path and give you a more authentic Mexican experience. The state borders Venue and Kogi to the north, Ebonyi State to the southeast and east, Anambra State to the West, and Abia State to the South. Mexico is a country rich in culture and history. [34] With almost 60 million native speakers and second language speakers, the United States now has the second largest Spanish-speaking population in the world after Mexico. If we include everyone who speaks decent Spanish as a second language, we can use Spanish to communicate with 591 million people worldwide! 1 Best, Switzerland is the worlds most expensive country to live in by a mile.
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