DHS lacks those bureaucratic guardrails, and the consequences of weak constraints on DHS became particularly clear during the Trump administration. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Some of these include protecting critical infrastructure, including electricity and election security; administering citizenship and immigration services; and countering terrorism. What Is an Organizational Structure? He is responsible for overseeing the organization's contracting functions with a focus on integrity and positive impact. At the same time, there is a clear need for strengthened protections and safeguards for civil liberties and privacy to prevent abusessuch as those DHS has committed in the pastwhereby religious, racial, ethnic, and migrant communities are disproportionately affected or targeted by such threat-sharing. This will also help reduce DHSs involvement in activities better left to other federal agencies that have more appropriate authorities, experience, and workforces, while ensuring that Americas security needs continue to be addressed by the federal government. They lent us their time and expertise over the past six months to help shape our understanding of what the mission and value proposition of DHS should be in todays world in order to address the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing the nation and to develop and refine our recommendations. What America needs from DHS today, however, is different from when it was founded. Then, the Biden administration and Congress should work together to realign DHSs resources to support these strategic priorities and ensure they are carried out consistently with annual authorization legislation. As part of reform efforts in 2006 after DHSs failed response to Hurricane Katrina, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) was established as an intelligence entity within DHS that would inform department operations and connect it to other federal intelligence efforts. DHS is best suited to collect information that other agencies cannot, primarily at ports of entry, and use that information for intelligence purposes. Working to recruit and train CBP agents with the tools to excel at working with populations seeking protection will help create the foundations for a shift in cultural norms. Successive reform efforts and the use of DHS to advance partisan political objectives have led to sharp swings in the departments headquarters-level focus. DHS should take a broader view of what it means to keep the nation secure and adapt its mission and activities accordingly. Meanwhile, DHS is missing opportunities to meet needs that other departments and agencies cannot and opportunities to lead where DHSs unique strengths would be maximally effective in solving problems. Looking for U.S. government information and services? Johan Hassel, Kate Donald, Laura Kilbury, 1 More DHS regularly interacts withand collects information onAmericans and U.S. persons in the routine course of its duties. While DHS can contribute to efforts to thwart organized crime and bring criminal actors to justice, the DOJ should continue to serve as the lead federal agency for TOC. ICE is charged with enforcing immigration laws and investigating the illegal movement of people and goods. I&A should reduce or eliminate its efforts to provide strategic intelligence on counterterrorism trends that are well covered by other departments and agencies. An organizational structure is the allocation of authority and responsibility within a company. DHS should prioritize efforts where it can add value, paying special attention to those needs that, in todays federal government, DHS is best positioned to meet. Finally, I&A should develop intelligence from those partners to share with the rest of the IC, within the appropriate guardrails of civil liberties and privacy protections against stereotypes and biased profiling. At the same time, past mistakes in prevention-based programs have been well documented, and a more proactive government approach must carefully consider potential risks to civil rights and liberties when designing programs to counter violent extremism of any ideological bent.54. It is critical to consider the following questions: What should be the primary focus of the department? Hiring surges in the DHS workforceincluding recently during the Trump administrations expansion of the law enforcement officer rankshave led to significant workforce growth at DHS in a short period of time.59 In some cases, this growth was accompanied by poor quality control in hiring: Investigations following hiring surges in ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have shown that following these large influxes of new hires, cases of corruption and misconduct spiked.60 Going forward, DHS has the opportunity to better align its human capital to meet current needs. These have included allegations of using department resources to target, discriminate against, and detain and deport immigrants of color.30 Despite the documented patterns of abuse, this has yet to be remedied by Congress.31 Other DHS components, such as HSI, have authorities that overlap with other federal investigative agenciesauthorities the department interprets very broadly. Abbott announces approval of federal emergency declaration for severe winter weather, February 14, 2021, available at, Fernandez and others, People Actively Hate Us: Inside the Border Patrols Morale Crisis; Ted Hesson, Kristina Cooke, and Mica Rosenberg, U.S. We are determined to keep interruptions to our operations to a minimum, and we appreciate your patience during this time. DHS must recognize that many serious challenges to Americas safety and security originate at home or are largely borderless by nature. Philip E. Wolgin is the acting vice president of Immigration Policy at the Center. That might mean proactively engaging with American businesses, alongside CBP, to inform efforts to improve the movement of goods and people across borders or refining immigration services so that processes dignify and welcome those who seek to invest their talents here. Despite consensus among policymakers that the department could be far more effective,1 there is little agreement on how to fix it. Division & Offices The Department of Human Services comprises three divisions: Division of Aging Services Division of Child Support Services Division of Family and Children Services These divisions are supported by administrative offices, which include: External Affairs Communications Constituent Services Government and Legislative Affairs Finance We at U.S. if(subscribe.checkValidity()) { Recent examples include DHSs yearslong battle with the DOJ over which agency has the lead for transnational organized crime; tensions with the FBI and the IC over foreign influence and election interference roles and responsibilities;57 turf battles over cybersecurity jurisdiction between DHSs CISA and the National Security Agency;58 and persistent questions about the focus and utility of DHSs intelligence unit. Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Senior Managers February 23, 2023 Assistant Commissioner Administrator X (Vacant) Director, Staff Training & Development Program Manager VI Elena Nuciforo Chief Operating Officer Administrator XI Eileen Sullivan Deputy Chief Operating Family Health & Director . CAP focused on first-order questions about DHSs mission and value proposition and how that relates to the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing the nation today. Tom Ridge (R) was appointed to be the first director of the White House Office of Homeland Security and charged with overseeing and coordinating a comprehensive national strategy to prevent future terrorist attacks on the country.11 Although President George W. Bush initially believed that the federal government could better ensure the safety of Americans with a strong homeland security council managed by the White House, he later transmitted his department proposal to the U.S. House of Representatives on June 18, 2002; one of the most determined early proponents of the department was Joe Lieberman, then a Democratic senator from Connecticut. And new findings reveal other factors hindering DHSs performance which have dramatically worsened over the past few years, pointing to additional challenges for DHS that should be addressed. Pandemics can uproot daily life and economic security when border-screening measures fail to halt early transmission. Teams involved in the development, drafting, and editing include National Security and International Policy, Immigration, Art, Editorial, and Videowith significant contributions from Sofia Carratala, Lauren Vicary, Jasmine Hardy, Hai-Lam Phan, and Chester Hawkins. Going forward, DHS should reorganize its activities around roles in connecting, communicating, facilitating, welcoming, and helpingin addition to a recalibrated role for protecting, securing, preventing, and enforcing. Their combined mission would include traditional security components; facilitating the movement of goods and people to grow binational economies; upholding U.S. domestic and international protection obligations; and promoting quality of life for all people living in and migrating to and between border communities.73, The way the current Coast Guard balances its enforcement and service mission is commendable and could serve as a guide to recalibrating border management. It should also prioritize reducing the backlog of visa applications accumulated under the Trump administration.66 Focusing on these aspects will provide value to U.S. citizens, visitors, those who seek to become Americans, those who want to reunite with family members, and the businesses that rely on these individuals to help the U.S. economy grow. Some believe that long-standing foundational problems have inhibited DHSs effectiveness as its missions and focus have expanded and morphed. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. (^9ghW:P ;mV]M[_i Here's how you know But it is time for DHS to focus on the missions and activities that it is uniquely capable of carrying out, and for which it, rather than other agencies, is the natural lead. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) helps provide essential services to Minnesota's most vulnerable residents. Instead, DHS should strategically recalibrate its priorities around a safety and services model rather than a threat-oriented modelwhich, in its current incarnation, is primarily concerned with counterterrorism and immigration enforcement, with communities of color, immigrants, and refugees treated as threats. The department has five divisions: Behavioral Health, Children and Family Services, Developmental Disabilities, Medicaid and Long-Term Care and Public Health. Altering an organization's structure requires careful planning, but it can prove the greatest driver of success. This recalibration of department activities will better fulfill the unmet needs of Americans and those who live, study, work, travel, and seek safety here. As DHS approaches its 20-year mark, the United States has an opportunity to redefine the departments value proposition for the future and to better align DHSs structure and activities with its mission. It then provides an analysis of DHSs challenges, highlighting long-standing foundational problems, including where the department is absent or not contributing. hbbd``b`Z $mA7`9$~b`bdr A. Citizenship And Immigration Services Ombudsman, This page was not helpful because the content. DHS should prioritize service and partnerships, connecting people in the United States to federal services and providing value to the American people and those who live, study, work, travel, or seek safety here. While the study does not make specific recommendations on the structure of DHS, this report proposes a framework that has implications for restructuring and recommends the DHS secretary and Congress realign the components of DHS around that framework. To maximize its value and effectiveness in todays environment, DHS should organizeand articulate its missionaround connecting, communicating, facilitating, welcoming, and helping, in addition to protecting, securing, preventing, and enforcing. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Critical Infrastructure Sectors, available at, KHOU 11, Gov. The current administration should evaluate how much of this realignment can be done within existing statutory functions and what requires congressional assistance and legislation. In part because of the disparate nature of DHS authorizing and appropriating entities, Congress has never passed an authorization bill for the department. These agenciesespecially CBP and ICEcenter their focus and activities around the law enforcement aspects of their functions. }. var onSuccessSubmitenSubscribeFooter = function() { Finally, it would ensure that DHS is most effectively positioned to solve national challenges. To maximize its value and effectiveness in today's environment, DHS should organizeand articulate its missionaround a balanced set of activities that prioritize safety and services roles more. Silva Mathema is the acting director of Immigration Policy at the Center. The dominating focus on counterterrorism comes at the expense of other activities that DHS is uniquely positioned to execute among federal agencies such as providing efficient, safe, and respectful immigration services; facilitating international trade and travel; serving as the nations risk adviser for critical infrastructure; and proactively responding to disasters that do not fall within the missions of other parts of the federal bureaucracy. (October 1, 1986), available at, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Pelosi Announces Agreement on Committee Jurisdiction Regarding Department of Homeland Security., Scott Shuchart, Building Meaningful Civil Rights and Liberties Oversight at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2019), available at. Operational and Support Components Leadership As CAP has previously argued, Congress and the administration can do more to empower the current DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL). Stay informed on the most pressing issues of our time. Seizing the opportunity to reimagine what it means to keep America secure and recalibrate DHSs priorities accordingly would enable the department to refocus its efforts in areas where it can add unique value and ensure that the government fulfills its responsibility to guarantee the safety, security, and prosperity of all Americans and those who come to live, study, work, travel, and seek safety here. Looking ahead, it is easy to imagine threats to Americans economic security or food supply that DHS could help to solve through its critical infrastructure and emergency response capabilities, were it determined to do so. DHS, primarily through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Coast Guard, is already the nations helper. A well-managed border will be safe and secure while also efficiently offering different services needed to travel, trade, or seek asylum in the United States. CAP concludes that DHS components that are primarily or exclusively focused on enforcing federal laws do not belong in a reimagined DHS and should be transferred to other federal departments. Recent steps announced by Speaker Pelosis office toward centralizing authority under the House Committee on Homeland Security by the current Congress are a welcome step but need to be further developed and have not been taken up by the Senate.85 Congress and the Biden administration should build on these important reforms to further consolidate and centralize oversight responsibilities and work toward passing an annual authorization for the department. Finally, this report proposes near- and longer-term steps that the current administration could take to realize this vision and deliver better value for the American people. Establishing a clear, narrowly tailored intelligence mission for DHS would help ensure that DHSs intelligence activities are lawful and useful, are shaped to achieve congressionally authorized goals, and are not violating the rights ofor being used to unfairly targetmarginalized or at-risk populations. Another challenge that has affected DHS from the outsetand grew increasingly problematic during the Trump administrationis that it was given broad and at times unclear legal authorities that it has used in ways that have harmed the public it is supposed to serve. HT]VBi#BPmd=3;gN3AMA:D(]H.Jp! For more information about the offices and agencies that make up DHS, or to find out about the Department's leadership, click on the links below.
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