This cancer is about to metastasize across the U.S. and ALL of the dirt needs to be made public for the safety and spiritual well-being of the masses. And that tattoo you should seriously get it removed. Id only add that the scar and damage to my faith as a result of Harvest is real, deeply painful, and permanent. I am interested in seeing what TWW readers will pull out if Jenkins letter. Certainly! Harvest members face losing their church homes over this man, yet he is planning on exporting this secret personal enrichment scheme, that is not at arms length, throughout the U.S. Seriously, I believe 100% that the theological DNA is the problem, and that Truth was genetically modified centuries ago. How does he know that? I dont have any answers. Cut corners in the case of MacDonald, Hybels, Driscoll, and assorted others meant they decided it was OK to be a little wicked if a little good could come from it. Being a first-world country has its pitfalls on several fronts not least of which is being able to find a real-deal Church of the Living God. This is how all men will know that you are my disciples, because you have such love for one another.. Nathan Priddis: I was led to view Clement of Rome as a sort of beloved father in our historical progression. But theres a huge sunk cost in all the megas that dot the landscape. You have any lies and untrue rumors to highlight that are being spread here, out with them. We see in Scripture the importance placed upon the need to have elders. Dallas, I have news for you. Dallas Jenkins (born July 25, 1975) is an American film and television director, writer and film producer. I just think some people do not care one tiny little bit about what the Lord said. Many a victim of domestic or spiritual abuse might have been better protected by understanding this reality. Every weekend we open the word of God and study the truth He has revealed to us. That said, the bishops, priests, and deacons are supposed to be models of humility and servanthood. There does seem to be something in Dallass attitude of a disregard for those who donated the hundreds of millions to make the whole Harvest phenomenon work. Once you step out of that or can no longer take part, the machine moves on without you. James mocking his own flock with his outrageous private Cabo party to end all parties, with the $50,000 magician, wont go unanswered. +++++++++++++++++++. Bible Follower | The Bible contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that's waiting for us to unearth it. After seven years, the growing congregation of 500 raised funds in six weeks to secure a former warehouse at 800 S Rohlwing Road in Rolling Meadows. The days of intermediaries are over, and we all have access to the very Spirit of God to lead us personally as he desires us to go. If people develop So theyll speak of doin church together, or kingdom life, or some such nonsense. He sat there for years and participated when people were being bullied and abused, being screamed at by their pastor and boss to the point of tears, watching hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent profligately. I tend to trust her judgment here. You are used to being in control of who sees what. Give them what they want in the present, and they wont care about the past. For some, that would be a great option. I bring up Eastern Orthodoxy because its dogma and practices are very old. Apparently, many pastors have opted to preach the gospel for the wrong reasons .. to toss out the name of Jesus now and then while they work their deception to benefit themselves. humans decide who gets to be an apostle, the process of which is surely not unbiased. Whether or not those offices were appropriate, church history shows they developed early and were ubiquitous. But if conflict is the goal, keep on keeping on. The depth of the pain experienced in my family (and many others whom I know/knew first-hand) was life-changing profoundly life-changing and permanently steered my child AWAY from faith. No church will fit that ideal in this fallen world. Personally, I call bull. If Paul was out of line, then certainly Luke was to blame for not exposing the sham. In preparation for the milestone anniversary of 30 years, it seemed fitting to host all our campuses together for Good Friday and Easter Sunday at the Sears Centre Arena. I dont know, if one follows Twitter, there are several who have commented that attended church with JMac in his youth, and they have nothing positive to say about him or his character from way back. Maybe out of kindness because he didnt want to embarrass anyone too much? If not, he served as an elder when he wasnt one and we call that a fraud, And there were boatloads of frauds on those elder boards, How do I know? Hall, Ive been consistent here and elsewhere under another net handle and under my actual name that I dont think the guys up to any good at all, either years ago or now. Built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and framed by these pillars, Harvest Bible Chapel was launched on September 18, 1988, meeting at Rolling Meadows High School. I guess the other 25% are hoping to get some plum positions. I am willing to bet that MacDonald has been on the horn with Driscoll to see how he transitioned to Scottsdale after Mars Hill imploded. Not one. Ive felt sins breakers dashing, We dedicated a new building as the new home for the Crystal Lake Campus in 2008. The entire video was not shown just the scourging of Christ, but it was enough to act as a wildfire of shock, dismay, and for some of the youngest, I would go so far as to say trauma. I guess I mean that a person, on his or her own, cant do it without God working it out in that person. elastigirl: i take no more stock in what paul thinks than i do in what i think. Truth (the Word) + The Spirit of Truth (Holy Spirit) = Revealed Truth. As for your dig at anonymous people, you are hoping to do the same thing. DallasHow selfishIs it all about you?Or, is your statement for the greater good of countless others? Its hard to go back when you see what goes on behind the curtain. This article is honest and faithful to what I knew at the time. ex HCA Staff: Which almost conquered my soul. I read your posts as a searing, agonized, utterly sincere *cri de ceour. As Max has said, its hard to see how the institutions recover from this. Churchgoers in 21st century America are just too gullible to keep these folks out of the pulpit. Echoes of simony as well as James 2:2-4, There are arguably relational dis-economies of scale in social structures. Your church, at which you played a significant role, is a five alarm dumpster fire and there are thousands of actual souls who have been affected by this admitted scandal. I dont know that there isnt a fair amount of corruption in smaller churches, but it seems to me once pastors start making huge amounts of money, it becomes more and more important to maintain or increase that above all else. Heard somewhere; Hell never be a great man.. Then, you proceeded to brag on social media about how you werent releasing your full statement and had convinced other men with statements to do the same. Amy Moore. The damage lingers. I will have to wait until I get to my computer because Im on my phone and the type of the letter is too small to read. ANYONE who is still in that place who is not a child or a new believer is complicit and participated in shunning all who left. I couldnt post that letter due to my absolute disgust at the depths to which MacDonald has sunk. Gateway is the church that planted Driscolls new The Trinity Church in Scottsdale and they are the ones transferring him cash each year since to keep it afloat and charging that to Global Missions expense. Note, that they are always mentioned in a plural form. They all rest on the character of the persons involved. Id say largely because the leaders themselves have been told to believe this. Nothing to be ashamed of. I suppose you would doubt your own mother? I was asked. Trust me, youre not. They began by gathering in an unused TV studio. All of these men, who were deeply involved long-term under visible, ungodly leadership have a lot to answer for. As both Luke and Peter write, they use all three Greek terms in the same context, regarding the same office, filled by the same men. Concerned for the vulnerable animals safety, he left his own gun by its side. It just means there was (and is) nothing in that church resembling a true church. Are we any better? It used to be so unthinkable to imagine life without religion as I have always known it. What deceivers do, in the church as well as other man-made institutions, is infiltrate this natural system, substituting charismatic charlatans for genuinely mature and godly elders. I was just telling my wife this morning, that all the corruption that gets exposed on TWW is actually quite consistent with the NT warning of beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. What was your salary Dallas for all your effort to misuse & misappropriate church tithes? I call it B.S. Today, CBS Chicago featuredFormer Harvest Bible Chapel Members Want $72,000 In Donations Refunded, After Pastor James MacDonaldFired. We are Harvest a vertical church in two locations in West Michigan (Spring Lake. Someone should also dig into the incident regarding the video of Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ that was shown to HCA ELEMENTARY school children without any warning or notice to parents in the first year of the schools history during Holy Week. The bear was later seen using the gun to defend itself against local mice and rabbits.. So this ole guy is here until the Lord moves me along or my comments stop making sense (please tell me if they do). Max: Thats why the early church had congregational governance, rather than elder rule polity the Body of Christ had a say in who the church leaders were. I am sorry that my concerns about the institutional church from day one cause you distress. Then in great heresy he says Mormons have the same Jesus as evangelicals! Dallas Jenkins is the creator, director and co-writer of The Chosen, which in addition to being the first multi-season series about the life of Christ is also the most successful media crowdfund of all time. Theres no edit function so it couldnt later be deleted. Churches will line up for this. What is harvest in the Bible? Thanks so much for passing on much needed information. But hundreds of others have similar testimony. We have versions of truth and half-truth at best in most places, allowing a theological DNA to supersede the real thing. Didnt Dallas or is there another Jenkins son? If after that then the church must seek to cut off the relationship so that the sinner may be held account and that you may reach him towards restoring him. You cant express truth sufficiently in religious teachings and traditions; it can only be found in a relationship with Christ. Sadly, it is not uncommon to find that in time of great loss, the church is not really there for them after all, that in case of health problems that make one unable to serve, they are quickly forgotten, that the great majority of those friendships have a tendency to evaporate or even turn to shunning if put to the test; that it was all a grand illusion, after all the time, effort and loyalty invested. Some might even suggest it seems suspiciously tied to new disclosures concerning films he made, gambling issues which have also concerned both Dallas and his father, etc. Max: Whew! having faithful children Max: Praise God for TWW and other watchblogs who do their best to get the word out on these guys, but you cant stop the spiritually illiterate from attending their exciting churches. TS00: Why would a quickly growing church choose an unproven young man, father of very young children (along with others similarly unproven, all from our young marrieds class) to be an elder, responsible for overseeing and counseling others? It was not just Jmac who was enriching himself. One of my concerns with much of the Reformed world is their higher regard for doctrine and authority over the individual lost and needy soul. We celebrated Gods blessing of 100 church plants in just 14 years in 2014. All this is coming out that millions of dollars potentially has been mishandled, he said. Dallas, maybe you should read the red letter Bible the T. Jefferson compiled from the King James Version? Which direction you take religion or relationship determines whether you discover Truth or not. But this just doesnt seem to fit. Max: I suspect that even MacDonald started out with good intentions (maybe). Why? Ken F (aka Tweed): LET EVERYONE REVERE THE DEACONS AS JESUS CHRIST, THE BISHOP AS THE IMAGE OF THE FATHER, AND THE PRESBYTERS AS THE SENATE OF GOD AND THE ASSEMBLY OF THE APOSTLES. I am sorry for your pain. I still believe that Jesus lived and the NT is reliable. This all happens when we gather, grow and go together as followers of Jesus. Gods blessings to you. hospitable Everyone who is of the Truth, who is a friend of the Truth and belongs to the Truth, hears and listens carefully to My voice. (Jesus, John 18:37). If you dont get why your letter was leaked and why people are upset, I would say youre isolated and you need to take the blinders off. Never to leave me alone! Yet another reason why the financial transparency laws for religious non-profit entities needs to change. holding fast the faithful word The apostles counted that an honor. husband of one wife EXACTLY the same as at Willow Creek Community Church. Most were started by a mere man who was convinced that his mission had more of a corner on the Truth than the rest. But that tends to require some kind of a hierarchy where some subset of the larger group comes up with stated or unstated norms and consequences for violating the norms. I am truly grateful for and encouraged by your kind words. I dont blame the Thompsons. Im holding out hope that my faith in God will survive, but truth be told, some days that seems uncertain as well (and save yourself the time writing me about how my faith must not have been that deep if indeed Im struggling with God and Jesus). of good behaviour Also, we must note who it is that the elders have authority over. Lets face it, in this era one can access whatever superior teaching is preferred in the comfort of their home or car. In April of 2021, following an extensive search and urgent prayer, the Elders of Harvest Bible Chapel announced the new Lead Teaching Pastor to be Dr. Jeff Bucknam. I second that. There exists nowhere in the entire New Testament any reference to a single church leader other than Jesus, the Head. If we just got back to that model, the one the early church leaders generally followed, where leaders humbly look around for those whom they can help, trying to be the last, not the first, putting their reputations, careers, and lives on the line if necessary, maybe the Church would stop functioning like some lurching Frankensteins Monster. You were part of a workforce which brought a feeling of camaraderie and purpose and fellowship. etc. *you are Gods only light at the place of work. We should not be surprised that the battle between the false and the true rages on, and should continue to cling to the true, whatever the cost. Cool bands, espresso coffee, relevant sermons, fun and fellowship, etc, In the words of the Prophets Emerson, Lake, and Palmer: and they have everyone scared spitless that if they vocalize their concerns about what is unethical in their church, & in their tribe, they will disappoint God, Please forgive me. And thats the cold, hard truth. CJ Mahaney spread $$$ which brought him years of support from the Calvinista leaders.. Maybe the good old fashioned seven deadly sins list would be a good list to start with. Lord knows weve had enough explosions in the modern church. Agreed. For one of his theatrical performances at HBC shortly before his demise, JMac posed as a homeless man to make a sermon point I suppose he was so relevant, you know. At Harvest Kids, we love teaching Gods Word. Thats why Im asking LLS (and Ken/Tweed, if he wants) how do these worship men, not God structures ever have any mechanisms at all to keep from going wildly off the rails? In all honesty, Dallas, since Mac and those around him, including you, took great delight in his being a very public ministry with great influence and far reach, this is a matter for public airing. Harvest CEO J Scott Milholland, was one of the men who was responsible for the $10M year secret Black Fund which was used to grossly enrich the top 20 execs at Harvest (including Dallas Jenkins). Their strong Christian beliefs led Scott and Marsha Thompson to volunteer at Harvest Bible Chapel, and donate more than $72,000 over the course of several years. I too often look around at this world, and feel discouraged and useless to make any difference. Ishy: These churches treat women so badly, but promise men all sorts of things, Matt Chandler says I preach to men. He calls female believers at TVC our girls while hes ensnares them with the beauty of complementarity., NJ: At the very least, they need to reveal ALL they know, including leading the charge to open all of the financial books, including known and secret accounts. I was then presented with opportunity to post another letter that gives insight without including insulting and painful observations about others. "Do Theologians LIke Russell Moore Ever Apologize for Theological Blunders of the Past?" I think you are correct in noting this early Church writer's statements. How does he know that? America needs more Vietnamese restaurants than New Calvinist church plants. He has not let us down, and even now is exposing these wolves. We will note however, that within the church, the world elder is not only a reference to age, but also a position or office of the church. 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