Created the first-ever White House position focused solely on combating human trafficking. Search: Hannity List Of Trump Accomplishments To Date. Stopped the Federal funding of fetal tissue research. Made millions of vaccine doses available before the end of 2020, with hundreds of millions more to quickly follow. Signed an executive order making it government policy to Buy American and Hire American, and took action to stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas. Signed an executive order extending expanded unemployment benefits. But the sting against Backpage was years in the making. The TRACE Act . Before the pandemic struck, low-wage workers saw wage increases. President Trump premised his 2016 campaign for the White House on keeping his promises, a pledge long ignored by lifelong politicians inside the beltway. Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future the highest ever. More Americans reported being employed than ever before nearly 160 million. Approved Remdesivir as the first COVID-19 treatment, which could reduce hospitalization time by nearly a third. Placed nearly 40,000 homeless veterans into employment through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program. Imposed tariffs on China in response to Chinas forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices, has agreed to a Part One trade deal with China. 112. Prioritized support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. Took action to authorize visa sanctions on foreign governments who impede our efforts to protect American citizens by refusing or unreasonably delaying the return of their own citizens, subjects, or residents from the United States. 98. 8. The USMCA is expected to generate over $68 billion in economic activity and potentially create over 550,000 new jobs over ten years. Issued an executive order ensuring critical medical supplies are produced in the United States. Announced a Safer Prescriber Plan that seeks to decrease the amount of opioids prescriptions filled in America by one third within three years. It is true that the First Step Act calls for the Bureau of Prisons to significantly expand these opportunities, but because of a lack of funding, around 25 percent of people who spend more than a year in federal prison have not completed any program, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, which backed the bill. Announced the Vision for Peace Political Plan a two-state solution that resolves the risks of Palestinian statehood to Israels security, and the first time Israel has agreed to a map and a Palestinian state. posted by Hannity Staff - 10.16.18. Ended asylum fraud, shut down human smuggling traffickers, and solved the humanitarian crisis across the Western Hemisphere. Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay. Issued an executive order reinforcing requirement that all hospitals in the United States provide medical treatment or an emergency transfer for infants who are in need of emergency medical careregardless of prematurity or disability. Negotiated historic bipartisan agreement on new higher education rules to increase innovation and lower costs by reforming accreditation, state authorization, distance education, competency-based education, credit hour, religious liberty, and TEACH Grants. According to the Tax Foundation, the lowest top marginal rate in the past 80 years was 28 percent in the 1980s, although a claw back provision in the 1980s increased the top marginal rate to 33 percent for taxpayers with incomes over certain thresholds. 23. Eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate a financial relief to low and middle-income households that made up nearly 80 percent of the families who paid the penalty for not wanting to purchase health insurance. As a result of the Republican tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years. Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years. A Fox News spokesperson referred Insider to Sekulow's statement. True. Worked to reform and streamline the United Nations (UN) and reduced spending by $1.3 billion. True, though the American Civil Liberties Union expressed concern that the order could be used to punish constitutionally protected criticism of Israel or the Israeli government. He is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show, and has also hosted a commentary program, Hannity, on Fox News, since 2009. Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded a record $9 billion in grants to expand access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services to States and local communities. Reduced improper payments for Medicare an estimated $15 billion since 2016 protecting taxpayer dollars and leading to less fraud, waste, and abuse. Issued a comprehensive public charge regulation to ensure newcomers to the United States are financially self-sufficient and not reliant on welfare. 111. Forcing the Covid Jab. The hotline, which was founded in 2002, was also supported by the George W. Bush and Obama administrations. Announced that Serbia would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Fully enforced the requirement that taxpayer dollars do not support abortion coverage in Obamacare exchange plans. Authorized an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for convalescent plasma. Placed over 600,000 veterans into employment through American Job Center services. Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch. Included womens empowerment for the first time in the Presidents 2017 National Security Strategy. True. 96. Reduced approval times for major infrastructure projects from 10 or more years down to 2 years or less. LNG exports are expected to reduce the American trade deficit by over $10 billion. The host defended Trump as recently as last month, after the House committee released an initial batch of his frantic texts to Meadows urging him to rein Trump in before, during, and after the January 6 riot. True. Signed the Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act and removed thousands of VA workers who failed to give our Vets the care they have so richly deserve. Delegated authorities via the Defense Production Act to protect breaks in the American food supply chain as a result of COVID-19. on issues of concern to social conservatives - life, family, and religious liberty: 2 0. 114. Lower investment cost and higher capital returns led to faster growth in the middle class, real wages, and international competitiveness. 7. Directed American assistance toward persecuted communities, including through faith-based programs. if(get_field('thops_ddads','options') && !get_field('thops_asynch','options')){ African-American unemployment is at an all-time low. Brought criminal charges against Nicolas Maduro for his narco-terrorism. Directed the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council to refocus on underserved communities impacted by the coronavirus. Re-purposed domestic manufacturing facilities to ensure frontline workers had critical supplies. Mr. Trump promised in 2016 that Mexico would pay for the wall. } Deployed thousands of FEMA employees, National Guard members, and military forces to help in the response. Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors. Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration. He eventually gave military leaders more time after their objections. The messages reflect another fissure in Hannity's relationship with Trump after the two reportedly had a falling out because Hannity was "disgusted" with Trump's lies about the election. Many said they wouldn't believe it. Achieved a record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lockdowns. Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 and improved the efficiency of the VA, setting record numbers of appeals decisions. NFIBs small business optimism index broke a 35 year-old record in August. The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020. This is a tax break for those who send their children to private schools. Mr. Trump has made reducing regulations a signature part of his legacy. Ended the gag clauses that prevented pharmacists from informing patients about the best prices for the medications they need. While the party of treason has spent the whole of the past three years destroying America and persecuting us (via Trump), President Trump goes from one major accomplishment to another. In 2019, violent crime fell for the third consecutive year. Called a former Miss U. Took strong action to protect the environment and ensure clean air and clean water. Launched the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium with private sector and academic leaders unleashing Americas supercomputers to accelerate coronavirus research. Prevented Russian energy coercion across Europe through various lines of effort, including the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation, civil nuclear deals with Romania and Poland, and opposition to Nord Stream 2 pipeline. . In 2018, President Trump launched the Pledge to Americas Workers, aimed at boosting the private sectors role in training American workers. Created the first-ever paid family leave tax credit for employees earning $72,000 or less. . Trump has documented success on 90 percent of 289, or 260, accomplishments at 18 months. Issued the Presidential Permit for the A2A railroad between Canada and Alaska, providing energy resources to emerging markets. Hannity #2 turned up around the same time as Bedtime BFF Donald Trump's change of heart about the coronavirus Eight days after President Trump took office, Democrats began At the time, 42% of Americans approved of Trump, and 52% disapproved com or FoxNews Based on no actual crimes, she wants a political opponent locked up in prison? We will respond as appropriate.". Delivered infrastructure upgrades and investments for numerous projects, including over half a billion dollars to fix the Herbert Hoover Dike and expanding funding for Everglades restoration by 55 percent. Congress should also get the credit for passing it. New single-family home sales are up 31.6% in October 2019 compared to just one year ago. Announced the establishment of $1 billion AI and quantum research institutes across America. Recovered more endangered or threatened species than any other administration in its first term. Far from being a champion of pay raises for federal workers, Mr. Trump proposed pay freezes for federal employees three years in a row; he was overridden by Congress. Reached bilateral agreements with Mexico and Canada to suspend non-essential travel and expeditiously return illegal aliens. Ended the costly kickbacks to middlemen and ensured that patients directly benefit from available discounts at the pharmacy counter, saving Americans up to 30 percent on brand name pharmaceuticals. By 2019, the Islamic State had lost nearly all of its territory, but the group remains a threat. 13. More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. Sean Hannity reacts to President Biden's press conference in the opening monologue of 'Hannity.'. 87. Implemented strong measures to stem hate crimes, gun violence, and human trafficking. Hispanic-American unemployment is at an all-time low. This was true before the coronavirus pandemic struck. The Childhood Cancer Survivorship, Treatment, Access and Research Act has been called the most comprehensive childhood cancer bill taken up by Congress. . Cut red tape holding back the construction of new energy infrastructure. Instead of 2-for-1, we eliminated 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted. Creation of more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs and manufacturing jobs growing at the faster rate in . On January 23, President Trump reinstated and expanded the . Below is a list of President Trump's major accomplishments his first two years in office since his inauguration on . Signed the $2.3 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, providing unprecedented and immediate relief to American families, workers, and businesses. "Now is the time to step forward and serve the interests of your country.". After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone. The markets are a gauge of the economy and include expectations of the future. 48. 2 min read. Hannity: Biden living in an alternate universe. Awarded over $333 million in Department of Labor grants to nonprofits and local and state governments for reentry projects focused on career development services for justice-involved youth and adults who were formerly incarcerated. Secured a $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies by 2024, and the number of members meeting their minimum obligations more than doubled. Suspended Employment Authorization Documents for aliens who arrive illegally between ports of entry and are ordered removed from the United States. The most employed Americans in history. Trumps DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.. Delivered approximately 160 million relief payments to hardworking Americans. Heres what I found when I looked into these claims. Whether youre a high school student or a late-career worker, theres never been a better time to learn a trade, hone a skill, or pursue your dreams. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime. "This was a riot that was unleashed, incited and inspired by the president of the United States," commentator Geraldo Rivera said on Hannity's Fox News show. Secured three pay raises for our service members and their families, including the largest raise in a decade. NEW You can now listen to Fox News articles! Signed an executive order to temporarily suspend student loan payments, evictions, and collection of payroll taxes. Signed an executive order that allows the government to withhold money from college campuses deemed to be anti-Semitic and who fail to combat anti-Semitism. Completed several multi-year nuclear material removal campaigns, securing over 1,000 kilograms of highly enriched uranium and significantly reducing global nuclear threats. 57. Negotiated leasing capacity in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Australia, providing American taxpayers a return on this infrastructure investment. Trump said: "I disagree with Sean on that statement and the facts are proving me right." Since withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, the United States has reduced carbon emissions more than any nation. Enrolled over 500,000 transitioning service members in over 20,000 Department of Labor employment workshops. Post titles must be the exact We also saw how Cohen's former client and Fox News Pundit Sean Hannity was comfortable enough Right now, we are at a competitive disadvantage for creating jobs and attracting investments crucial to increasing employment Trump reportedly often calls Hannity after the Fox Host's nightly program to discuss the . 42. He also hosted the Fox News shows Hannity's America (2007-09) and Hannity (2009- ). More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. Worked with Mexico and other regional partners to dismantle the human smuggling networks in our hemisphere that profit from human misery and fuel the border crisis by exploiting vulnerable populations. Replenished the depleted Strategic National Stockpile. Modernized the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the first time in over 40 years. $ishomepage = is_front_page(); One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana. Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES. This was true before the coronavirus struck. True. Launched the Drug-Impaired Driving Initiative to work with local law enforcement and the driving public at large to increase awareness. Suspended, via regulation, asylum for aliens who had skipped previous countries where they were eligible for asylum but opted to forum shop and continue to the United States. Lied about how much money he raised for veterans. Unclear what data this item is referring to. Launched new online tools, including eMedicare, Blue Button 2.0, and Care Compare, to help seniors see what is covered, compare costs, streamline data, and compare tools available on Natural gas production reached a record-high of 34.9 quads in 2019, following record high production in 2018 and in 2017. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. Used Section 243(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to reduce the number of aliens coming from countries whose governments refuse to accept their nationals who were ordered removed from the United States. Restored state and local control of education by faithfully implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act. In 2018, President Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice bill that enacted reforms that make our justice system fairer and help former inmates successfully return to society. True. 58. Since January 20, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed from 19,732 to 30,814 Friday up 56.2%. Former President Donald Trump announced a comeback presidential campaign in November. This is true, though it is unclear how many people have been able to participate in it. Trumps Immigration and Customs Enforcements Homeland Security Investigations arrested 1,588 criminals associated with Human Trafficking. . Engaged more than 400 test developers to increase testing capacity from less than 100 tests per day to more than 2 million tests per day. Required the Department of State to consult with states and localities as part of the Federal governments refugee resettlement process. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. Released 1.5 million N95 respirators from the Strategic National Stockpile for distribution to over 3,000 nursing home facilities. Uploaded by Breitbart News. This is misleading. True. Doubled the Child Tax Credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and expanded the eligibility for receiving the credit. Safely transported, evacuated, treated, and returned home trapped passengers on cruise ships. Signed an Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products, which is bringing innovative new technologies to market in American farming and agriculture. Empowered American patients by greatly expanding healthcare choice, transparency, and affordability. Streamlined energy efficiency regulations for American families and businesses, including preserving affordable lightbulbs, enhancing the utility of showerheads, and enabling greater time savings with dishwashers. Signed an executive order to ensure that the United States government prioritizes getting the vaccine to American citizens before sending it to other nations. 99. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have repeatedly notched record highs. Signed the Honk Kong Autonomy Act and ended the United States preferential treatment with Hong Kong to hold China accountable for its infringement on the autonomy of Hong Kong. Indicted major Chinese drug traffickers for distributing fentanyl in the U.S for the first time ever, and convinced China to enact strict regulations to control the production and sale of fentanyl. This is grossly misleading, at best. He added: "We need an Oval office address. Passed Right To Try to give terminally ill patients access to lifesaving cures. In FY 2019 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cleaned up more major pollution sites than any year in nearly two decades. Signed two executive orders to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans and their small businesses from administrative abuse. Removed government barriers to personal freedom and consumer choice in healthcare. Approved 29 state Medicaid demonstrations to improve access to opioid use disorder treatment, including new flexibility to cover inpatient and residential treatment. The United States rejected crippling lockdowns that crush the economy and inflict countless public health harms and instead safely reopened its economy. Below is a list of President Trump's many major accomplishments in his first three years in office. Advanced missile defense capabilities and regional alliances. The Trump administration announced a total of $28 billion in aid for farmers in 2018 and 2019, and another $23.5 billion through the coronavirus stimulus package passed in March. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Former President Donald Trump said in a broadcast interview Wednesday that he can declassify documents "even by thinking about it.". . Put in place policies to bring back supply chains from overseas. 65. It was last updated September 3, 2020. Fixed the New Source Review permitting program, which punished companies for upgrading or repairing coal power plants. the friday cover. Secured permanent funding for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund for first responders. Since that date the DOW has . Trump canceled the Democrats' HR6666 bill, known as the COVID-19 TRACE Act, that was the basis for Bill Gates' diagnosis and tracking project, which was also canceled. Pfizer and Moderna developed two vaccines in just nine months, five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in American history. Mr. Obama amended a longstanding U.S. policy not to negotiate with hostage-takers, making it more flexible. Increased choice for consumers by promoting competition in the individual health insurance market leading to lower premiums for three years in a row. Committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson and vice chair Rep. Liz Cheney urged Hannity to comply with their request out of a sense of patriotism. Signed legislation that included more than $100 million for scholarships, research, and centers of excellence at HBCU land-grant institutions. Although he condemned the violence, he repeatedly endorsed the bogus conspiracy theory that "radical groups" like antifa infiltrated the mob of Trump supporters to sow chaos at the Capitol. Since 2016, there has been a nearly 40 percent increase in the number of Americans receiving medication-assisted treatment. Issued a rule with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to make illegal aliens ineligible for public housing. The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century. Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try an experimental treatment that wasnt allowed before. Took strong actions to confront unfair trade practices and put America First. Household net worth rose $7.4 trillion in Q2 2020 to $112 trillion, an all-time high. The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record. Established the 24/7 FEMA National Response Coordination Center. Under Trump, drug prices have seen year-over-year declines in nine of the last ten months, with a 1.1% drop as of the most recent month. Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Reversed decades-old ban on Second Chance Pell programs to provide postsecondary education to individuals who are incarcerated expand their skills and better succeed in the workforce upon re-entry. Opportunity Zone designations have increased property values within them by 1.1 percent, creating an estimated $11 billion in wealth for the nearly half of Opportunity Zone residents who own their own home. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the countrys highest-paid workers. Signed the $100 billion Families First Coronavirus Relief Act, guaranteeing free coronavirus testing, emergency paid sick leave and family leave, Medicaid funding, and food assistance. Removed unnecessary regulations that restrict the seafood industry and impede job creation. The all-time high for the Consumer Confidence Index is 144.7, which was reached in January and May of 2000, according to Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators and surveys at the Conference Board, which puts out the index. Reformed Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs saving seniors 100s of millions of $$$ this year alone. Signed a historic executive order promoting much more active forest management to prevent catastrophic wildfires. True. True. Hannity was best known for his role as cohost of the Fox News Channel's liberal-conservative debate show Hannity & Colmes (1996-2009). True. Tribal Chairman Gerald Gray credits the bipartisan efforts of Senators Jon Tester, a Democrat, and Steve Daines, a Republican, both of Montana, for tucking the tribal recognition provision into the military spending bill. Despite the grim projections from the media and governors, no American who has needed a ventilator has been denied a ventilator. After they . Unemployment rates were lower in the 1950s, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The agreement aims to resolve a longstanding dispute about a European Union ban on hormone-fed U.S. beef. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. The U.S. is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957. Placed a moratorium on offshore drilling off the coasts of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. Immediately withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. Watch the video below. Reformed Section 401 of the Clean Water Act regulation to allow for the curation of interstate infrastructure. Median household income has hit the highest level ever recorded. But Hannity cut in and appeared to deflect blame from Trump, saying the president had sent tweets asking rioters to behave "peacefully" hours after the siege began. Streamlined and expedited the asylum hearing process through both the Prompt Asylum Claim Review (PACR) and the Humanitarian Asylum Review Process (HARP). Congress also deserves credit for the Friendly Airports for Mothers Act of 2017, which was championed by Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, and former Representative Stephen Knight, Republican of California. By nearly a third expected to reduce the American trade deficit by over $ 68 billion economic... Energy infrastructure red tape holding back the construction of new energy infrastructure and reliant... The third consecutive year and Urban development ( HUD ) to make illegal aliens, including new flexibility to inpatient. Assistance toward persecuted communities, including new flexibility to cover inpatient and residential treatment in,... Student loan payments, evictions, and Florida expected to generate over $ 300 billion poured back to. 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