But they are restored withrecreation, in both senses of the word, either by re-creating their circumstances or through play and leisure. You are ahead of your time in matters of the heart, and you will be best off finding a partner who values your insight. Your partners approach to love, however, can be a little more impulsive and emotional than yours, as you tend to be much calmer and less excitable. Both signs have sensitive nervous systems, and if things go well, will create an orderly refuge against the chaotic world. They might see you as restlessly pushing when they want to stay put. Leo I think this is a good illustration of why pop astrology (ie sun sign books) doesn't work and turns people off astrology if this is their only reference. When you feel satisfied emotionally and romantically (when you feel most loved), you cannot help but feel a lack on an instinctual leveland vice versa. Both like a lot of space and are not touchy-feely, so much depends on whether there's a sense of shared vision or purpose. If well I'm charmed by Geminis and fascinated with Libras, I think I'd actually end up loving Aquarians despite the huge difference. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. Both Leo and Taurus value loyalty, and both are outwardly affectionate. As twofire signs, this pair isgenerous, active, affectionate, spontaneous, and instinctual. Now, this is interesting because Venus Libra likes clear communication, while Venus Pisces speaks in metaphor or not at all. Each of you has a certain aloof quality about you when it comes to romance and love. ", Venus Leo Compatibility With Other Venus Signs, Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries, Taurus with Libra: Their Love Compatibility, The Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. As two fire signs, this pair is generous, active, affectionate, spontaneous, and instinctual. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Sagittarius: Both of you value freedom, growth, and independence in love relationships. The other planets and aspects determine a lot of this - you can have Venus in Aquarius but if Sun is in Capricorn and Mars and Moon in Taurus, the complexion could be considerably different. (The sixth sense belongs to the Water signs!) The unsentimental, at times brutally honest,Venus Ariescan wound the Leo lover's pride. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. You don't want to follow the rules or love the way you're "supposed" to; you have your own approach to showing affection. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You're also both high achievers but go about it in different ways. Capricorn also seems to age in reverse, so instead of growing stale, their love grows more playful with each anniversary. Theres a bit of quirkiness in you both, although yours is a direct and offbeat sort of charm, while your partners charm is softer and more intimate. Capricorn The beginning, especially, is a blast, as you quickly get to know each other. But Aquarius, a sign of both chaos and order, is looking for a love as wide as the clear blue sky. Capricorn is Saturn-ruled, don't forget, which means they lean toward sober assessments. As both of you can be rather stubborn in love, there can be an imbalance. I think that Scorpio would become too frustrated with Aquarius wanting to do his own thing and Aquarius would grow equally as frustrated with Scorpio trying to keep him under her thumb (I only used his/her because of the masculine/feminine nature of the signs). Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions. There's a lightness of being with Sagittarius, that makes them able to be in more than one relationship. You're liable to chafe at the mindset (Libra is air) of the twosome and be quick to assert yourself in words and actions. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Sometimes this devolves into epics fights and equally climactic making-up sessions. Scorpio In love, you are bold, while your friend is hesitant, even insecure. You are both a private person and a people person. Venus Aquarius guys and gals are freely affectionateand have a way of making you feel like you belong. This dichotomy may be confusing for a partner, and even for you at times! These Venus signs represent the Leo-Aquarius polarityand can at first seem like total opposites when it comes to matters of the heart. Can one relationship contend with two drama kings, queens, or one of each? First dates could begin with swapping stories of memorable events, and impressions from growing up. Venus in Gemini is in the 2nd. And every Venus Leo wants to be more than enough. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Virgo: You get off on visions, possibilities, and opportunities. Contact between a Scorpio and an Aquarius can be truly intense. Still, the Venus Virgo lover has a sensuous streak underneath all that reserve. But, the Bull lover knows how to mesmerize you, and bring you into the sensuous moment. Your Venus is in the awkward position of celebrating love, by being independent. Anything can mix with the right supporting cast. If you see someone you like, you are inspired. This can be complementary at times, but can also be intensely frustrating. This Venus gets burned out if they are too "on" all the time. Aquarius And there's a sense of chase since this lover has naturally divided attention. But what about going out? Both can be cup half full types, though, and even see crazy ordeals as "blessings in disguise." As a result, you can come across as intimate and doting one day, and cooleven self-possessedthe next! There's a need for freedom, living at the growing edge and intensity. This relationship can be rather tempestuous at times, but exciting nevertheless. Looks are important to them, though they may have a quirky style, and go for striking types since they also appreciate originality. Exact Moon opposite Neptune shows how warped his fantasies really were but because of the Moon trine Pluto, his obsession for those warped fantasies intensified as time went on. Neither of you wants to waste time arguing about petty things, and both of you want to see the best in each other. That's the question here, with two lovers who bask in the admiration of the other. Cancer What attracts Venus Libra is alertness and bright repartee, as well as an overall appealing outer package. Aquarius is known for being a humanitarian and generous soul at heart, as well as a very intellectual person. But still we're the best of friends ever! Both have a showy side, which means if either of the two is feeling ignored, look out. A sticking point for Leo is loyalty, and Gemini is known to be capricious. You dont generally come across as sensitive as you truly are, tending to hide this sensitivity behind a playful and lighthearted manner. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Leo: This is the case of opposites attract. Because Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs of the zodiac, you can be intrigued with one another, and really quite frustrated as well! You are extremely charming, as you are both playful and warm at once. Your Venus Sadge friend is fiery but has a less urgent way of relating. I read whole signs and if you have Taurus rising, your Gemini stellium is in the 2nd, not 1st. Concerts, art openings, movies, and the latest hot restaurant are all good bets for first dates. Venus in Taurus Love for Venus in Taurus centers on the physical world and creature comforts they revel in sensual surroundings. Leo is Sun-kissed, and that's symbolic of the unlimited power possessed by the Lion. Makes me cute too. They share a revulsion for narrow-minded people but paradoxically could get competitive with opinions. Virgo Confrontations arise is Scorpio's possessiveness gets the better of . When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Bothare both passionate, and not afraid to give in to that passion. Related Stories From YourTango: This pairing will stay up all night talking and. And vice versa? I think this is because Pisces is able to be more of an enigma and more gently probing than Scorpio. After all, your way of loving life (Venus) is expressing your singular self in a concentrated way. Until the Venus Capricorn lover is sure of Venus Leo and the relationship, their reception will always be slightly wintry. Your lover can remind you how wonderful simple pleasures can be. Your partner craves a relationship that is very personal and committed, while you are more inclined to look for a classic friendship in any love relationship! Both of you are cooperative souls in relationships, and this fact adds tremendous strength to the opportunity for a flowing and respectful relationship. A restless twosome here that both like travels of the mind, and are generally socially curious. ", Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries. This can be hurtful to your sensitive mate or friend. It's compatible energy, a sextile, which is like a trine lite. If they are looking for a commitment from you at a later date, however, what was once considered charismatic might become annoying! While others might complain that you are a little too aloof, your lover is more apt to see that trait as a challengeand rise to it! Both of you are generally positive in matters of the heart, so optimism is likely the general theme when you are together. You are very respectful of a partners rights and individuality. You're fast friends, and neither holds back if there are strong feelings. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). Venus in Aquarius Romance isn't everything to you, but when you do finally decide to settle with someone, you look for an intellectual match. This is tough on your friend, who gets uneasy in conflict unless there's a willingness to find common ground. Your partner, on the other hand, is most concerned with making a relationship work. They both need a driving vision to move them forward. Your partners moods change quickly, and while you can hardly be labeled predictable, you are not as flexible as your partner is. Well, like I said, I go by whole signs and by what you described before, I see all the Gemini stuff is in 2nd house, as Taurus rising is the 1st which would make for a more fixed person. Both romantics at heart, their love affair is the centerpiece of a fabulous life. Communication will be flowing between the two of you! Like the Lion,Leo in lovespends a lot of time lounging around, with sudden bursts of enthusiasm. Like my dad who is an Aqua Sun with Pisces Venus and mom who is a Pisces Sun with Aqua Venus - my dad is an Aquarius through and through (even if his Venus is in Pisces) and he often does his own thing.. and so does my mom. With my parents it was the opposite - the synastry had practically nothing but the composite had some important aspects and they were married for three decades until one passed over. Attachment can grow between these two signs! That's why if your feelings wane, or you get bored (the death knell), it's hard for you to fake continued interest. Your partner might find your behavior unsettling at times, simply because they looking for a certain measure of security in partnership. You made some really interesting points here, some that many would not consider with this placement. Each beam in the others' company. Venus Libra prides itself on being able to 'walk in another's shoes,' but benefits from Venus Leo's intensely self-centered creativity. You have to look at all the charts to determine if a couple can survive and should even be together to begin with. Venus Libra is a demanding lover, watching you for signs of being in thrall. They may find it hard to settle down together beyond the everyday superficialities that bring them together. Leo desires to be the one and only, not one of many. The person could be far more concerned with stability and security than free and impermanent love. Aquarius helps Pisces find some clarity, and is a champion for their dreams. Libra is Venus' own sign and one of a heightened sense for aesthetics. Rather than surging ahead impulsively, Venus Taurus shows you how to love getting there. Venus shows us what we're attracted to, and often strangely repulsed by too. This match-up is a study in contrasts and in a nutshell one of light work and heavy lifting. You are more apt to analyze a situation before letting yourself feel the energy of the moment. However, your partner might be looking for something more substantial. Scorpio looks for purpose, and Aquarius seeks stimulation. It's all or nothing for Leo, in matters of the heart. Your aloofness, on the other hand, isnt hiding much of anything! The misunderstanding of each others unique and different love natures is what is most likely to divide you. If Venus Leo can accept Venus Gemini's need for space and lightness, this has the makings of a lifelong relationship. This difference can lead to unintentional wounding, as each seeks what the other doesn't want (or doesn't have) to give. Proud Leo adores big personalities, and Venus Aries doesn't disappoint. But the big differences in love styles can be met with compromise and by understanding each other's nature. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, There could be other factors, though, in the synastry, that give their love a more constant nature. Scorpio might be the only one to dig deep enough to discover that secret side of Aquarians. Following the beaten track simply doesnt sit well with you. Your opposite attraction sign is Venus in Virgo, an earth sign that will likely help you ground some of those feels. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Taurus: Both of you are strong individuals with rather fervent ideas of what you want in a partnership, and those ideas clash in many ways! You have the hit of inspiration, and your mate translates that to the reality of real life. And their spiritual bent opens you to many dimensions of life. But if you are too rough, even without meaning to be, your shy lover can swim away. Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. beyond Sun Signs. If Venus Aquarius wants to keep Venus Leo for the longterm, he or she will have to learn how to make the Lion feel singled out. I've seen quite a few Pisces end up with Aquarius. Each of you can learn a lot from each other, as long as you are tolerant of each others needs. Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred spiritsboth find the amusing angle in any situation. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. I have Taurus rising, and Mars, Uranus and Pluto all in Virgo square these planets trine the ASC, and Saturn in the 11th in Pisces and Leo Moon. Summary. You tend to thrive with a lot of freedom, and don't handle feelings (yours or others) with a lot of nuances. What they are most likely to do is always their own thing. (Capricorn, Venus in Pisces): Capricorn is all for security, Pisces is a full-on romantic = good guy Chris Rock (Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn): Aquarius can be about partnership when Capricorn grounds it Ethan Hawke (Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio): Ladykiller double sign combo Antonio Banderas (Leo, Venus in Virgo): Each of you appreciates the need for individuality, and neither of you believes that a partnership should act to stifle this basic need. 33. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. There is a lot of romantic chemistry between you two because the Venus is attracted to the Mars' similar passion and sex drive, while Mars is attracted to the Venus' charm. You might be inspired to rescue and shelter the lost child Venus Pisces. Want to quickly find out the sign of your Venus, and the Venus signs of others? You are looking for different things in love here. Your relating style is forceful and directed toward a target. It is also about your self-esteem and what you value. A key here iscatharsisthe art of taking raw emotion and moving it, being changed by it. Aquarius A breathless affair could be short-lived if reality intrudes and bursts the fantasy. Each could find satiation for big appetites, with a lot of passion and endurance into the night. about the overall compatibility of two people. We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. But Venus Capricorn is marriage-oriented, and if the two put their heads together and share a common goal, be it in business, the arts, or as pillars in society, the match will work. Great friends but a terrible couple. You express your feelings of love in a detached manner, and this can certainly frustrate your partner. With love, of course, it can work, but acceptance and understanding are especially vital. They are a matching pair for double the social observations and insights on the relationship itself. One of the main differences in your temperaments is your willingness to make adjustments. In love, you're a fighter, and it's no fun if your sparring partner doesn't put up his or her dukes. It can be much more revealing to compare Venus signs in romantic relationships! Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Capricorn is more tradition-minded, and thinks long term, while Aquarius often breaks with the familiar. JavaScript is disabled. You may be a tad argumentative in close partnership as a result of this basic inner conflict. I would suspect then that the composite of you didn't match. Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. I think we have to stop looking overall to charts to look if a relationship can work or not, in the end it's up to the people involved. Here's how lusty, fiery Venus Leo matches with other Venus signs. But if there's trust, Venus Virgo likely won't mind. Chances are, they'll both bring a wide circle of friends to the union. You dive in first, to a new acquaintance, and ask questions later. A difference is you're more likely to beam on one person at a time, intensely. Your Cappy love sees from you the power of acting at the moment. Venus Cancer is highly responsive, and that's a big plus, but the Moonchild's oceanic highs and lows soon make Venus Libra seasick. You could butt heads over plans, and be irked if your mate makes sudden changes. Venus Leos in love are flashy, with flares that might be short-lived if they don't get the admiration they crave. You know how to stick with things, as does your partner, and you arent especially attracted to complications as well. The other day I was having a conversation with my best friend about love and relationships and how opposite people attract/fascinate each other. Both have strong libidos, but Scorpio wants an atmosphere, not a wall of sound (Libra talking). A shared sense of purpose is love glue. As a quick-moving inner planet, the position of Venus in your natal chart is very personal. Liveliness, cheerfulness, and plenty of activity characterize your partnership. A sense of play, self-expression, and catharsis in creativity and intimately, keep the flame from going out. Both of you value a partnership in which there is mental and social interaction. Just based on the people that I know with either placement, I don't see just those aspects alone making it work. You're both most alive when doing something and hate to be bored. If these two don't block the other but instead combine their energies, this is a magnificent match. Gemini From March 2-18: Mercury transits your solar fifth house. The powerful initial attraction you may feel to each other is likely due to the fascination with the differences between you. He also had Libra Moon conjunct Pluto and I have a Libra stelliumalso a bad combo. It simply might require more adjustments than either of you may desire. There's an innocence about you and your affections that's disarming for your more self-controlled friend. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. In general, they combine social worlds and may spend most of their time in cliques with friends anyway. Leo thrives in the gaze of such accepting eyes and senses that Venus Aquarius gets what is unique, even far out, about the dazzling Lion. It's great for creative collaboration, with a lot of cutting-edge experimentation. Too much air is a major pain. This is tough because Venus Leo craves affection and so might feel neglected. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. They both desire being admired as wholly unique one-offs, with strong wills. To the people who know me well, I am the stereotype to an extent - very inquisitive, witty, socially adept - but still not fickle, spacey, flighty or the social butterfly. And neither shies away when conflicts ariselove to these two means a fair amount of drama. Cancer Anyways, let me know you thoughts or if you have an Aqua Venus and how you feel about it!! This is a match that can bring shocking surprises -- like finding out your lover has many kettles on the stove. This is a match that can bring shocking surprises -- like finding out your lover has many kettles on the stove. LoveStyles: About Him and LoveStyles: About Her reports. Although you are creative individuals, your interactions may eventually lack spunk or seem a little dry. The Venus in Cancerlover is highly attuned to their mate's feelings, and they have a desire to nurture and protect. Than free and impermanent love another 's shoes, ' but benefits from Venus Leo craves affection and so feel... Moving it, being changed by it a wall of sound ( Libra talking ) measure of in! Signs, this is tough on your friend, who gets uneasy in conflict unless there 's a in. 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