it's about the fact that in 2012 more than half the country had a smart phone. a meeting in germany among western defense officials united against russia's invasion of ukraine ended without resolution as to whether president volodymyr zelenskyy will get the advanced battle tanks for which, he pleaded. so they have heard hours of testimony from alex himself effectively. there's a process bill basically that would put it out to bipartisan groups to come back to the congress with real solutions and face an up-or-down vote. this is the poll question. >> great to be with you for another hour, amara. however, it's eight years later and he's 65 and looking pretty good, by the way. Smerconish hosts a daily radio program on SiriusXM's POTUS Channel, 124, from 9a.m. we spend about $6 trillion and we take in about $5 trillion right now. you get advice like just stop. your father, a billion dollars he donated to this cause. >> final thought, prosecution not obligated to prove motive. Should U.S. military aid to Ukraine continue to grow: The U.S. needs terms limits for Congress. keystyle mmc corp login; thomson reuters drafting assistant user guide. if you still have symptoms of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. - no. >> is it fixable without people getting hurt? that's the difference. they both got us to this point. Please go vote on today's Survey Question at - Is this New York Post cover using 9/11 photo to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar: Morally and journalistically wrong OR Fair comeback to her 9/11 comment? it's neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! read the cdc report. hi a private word that i will now make public with chris christie. almost all of us think we'll be outliers. and one other thing that i want to say that's really important, i think, is that people involved in pathological lying don't stop just because they are called out on. Online Entry Page Official Rules Join Our Facebook Page Smerconish Daily Poll Question: >> they have. we've known about that for a long time. Which of the following do you most want to have? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i was tempting at 5:00 a.m. to boot my horn. this digital age we're living in, it's pretty unbelievable. >> a quick final comment. >> there's a significant question about that. in practice that's really not how international relations work. we can all benefit. these guys are willing to do or say anything to make money. and what might he have meant by everything. each one with a story that breaks your heart. the thing i was saying is that what i don't want to do is, say, take chemotherapy if i got cancer at that point. i want to be physically active. i said you need to think about it. i won't fight -- dr. emanuel makes it crystal clear in the piece. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. i think i changed my mind about these glasses. they worked hard and saved for their future. stand up to your symptoms with rinvoq. Real Madrid prepare for the first leg of their Copa del Rey semi-final against Barcelona. it also has a compulsive nature to it, where they have a drive to tell these stories and they just can't stop. you signed up for the gig. and then there's a whole host of things that schools can do to create environments that support young people's health in terms of programs that get them involved and invested and making sure that they are safe for even the most vulnerable youth in a school. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. thsubway series. the few hosts who didn't, they stop ped being on conservative media because their audience evaporated. it doesn't matter if he is r or d to me. during warmups at the philadelphia fly years pride night players wore lgbtq jerseys, all except one, a russian orthodox player said it violated his religious beliefs. it occurred to me that the most. oh! relief without the water. we also have social media today. Vote on today's Daily Poll Independent doesn't mean indecisive. he cited statistics on how america is living longer and why that wasn't necessarily a good thing. >> i think that's pretty stunning. so they were not living in this sealed world of conservative media. >> absolutely not. . for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. U.S. defense contractors' inability to quickly replenish weaponry such as missiles and munitions for Ukraine has led Pentagon officials to argue that industry consolidation has gone too far and . the digital age is waiting. that can't be comfortable though. in the end simpson-bowles failed, didn't get the vote that i wish would have taken place in the congress. Regarding his nationality, she is an American and belongs to the white ethnicity. His SiriusXM show, The Michael Smerconish Program, airs on the bipartisan P.O.T.U.S. no, unfortunately it appears the majority of fox viewers are happy in their echo chamber. that's the explanation for the poll question. >> people who have mild manic symptoms are the idea that you're sped up in your thinking, movement and thinking. and that's one of the distinctions between regular lying because i want to gain something, i want you to believe something about me and yes, there can be intent to key steve, but sometimes it can just be lots of different stories in their head and sometimes they can't tell the difference between what's real and what's not real. >> dr. gould-davies, thank you for being here. Vote on today's Daily Poll. how many little lies versus big lies can you tell per day before you become a pathological liar? like what? if alex did do it, to kill two people, clean up all the evidence and leave, that's where the prosecution is alleging. Daily Poll - Cast Your Vote - SMERCONISH Today's Poll Question Should newspapers drop the Dilbert cartoon? look at that voting. it's called the federal motor vehicle safety standards. god willing, i should be like that. thank you, really appreciate your time and expertise. and what? Smerconish. should the west give ukraine everything it needs to win? still to come, the latest from the trial of lawyer alex murdaugh. to Noon ET. you know what, michael? the largest floating civilian hospital in the world. TV Archive the patriarch has used homosexuality as a justification for the russian invasion of ukraine. that's not necessarily where people anticipate that extra year or month or whatever it's going to be. make sure you're going to and voting on this week's poll question. you may feel it. it's like you want to appear smart with my friends and family. i have been playing close attention to this 37 he's on trial for the murder of his wife and son. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. they need empathy training to see how their lies affect other people and they also need help even recognizing when they are telling a lie. happening now in "the newsroom," frustration mounts in ukraine as germany and the western allies spar over whether to provide tanks to counte. is there any move afoot to reenergize that type of thinking? Using the perfect blend of analysis and humor, Michael Smerconish delivers an engaging, thought-provoking, and balanced dialogue on today's political arena. that's why you need versatile, durarable kubota equipment. today it's mental health and our kids. it was a very effective testimony just to walk us through minute by minute, many times second by second, every of moment of alex's whereabouts that night and maggie's is and paul's. it's neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! uh houston we have a situation. i finally feel like a g grown-up. i've lost 70 pounds on golo. it would show that flagrant aggression is rewarded. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. but let's remember this is ab anonymous survey is conducted in young people's classrooms. it's exactly the opportunity we should be doing. neutrogena (vo) if you have thyroid eye disease and the pain in your eyes burns like a red-hot chili pepper, oryour inflamed eyes are so watery they need windshield wipers. provorov is free to think what he wants and should not be compelled to wear a hockey jersey with a political viewpoint that he finds objectionable. a psychiatrist on staff at tufts university wrote a book that stands out. they aren't going to talk about it. go to to view your rate. introducing the 10g network only from xfinity. - the big one. will their audience ever know this? to give you a sense of the widespread public fallout on this issue, some have even hurled nasty comments at the instagram page of the adorable golden retriever belonging to provorov. Book Michael. Did the Georgia grand jury foreperson just poison that investigation in her media interviews? they presented 61 witnesses, more than 500 pieces of evidence, trying to explain the. i say more power to him. the old way of working is deader than me. tweet me @smerconish, youtube, facebook. but the sworn deposition testimony is what it is. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. he cites his devotion to the russian orthodox church. katherine, what do we have with regard to dr. emanuel? The war in Ukraine is now one-year old. in those cases, again there is the intent to deceive, to harm someone, whereas this, the lies are so extensive and so convoluted and pretty much about nothing real or nothing important that the intent isn't always to deceive people or harm someone. it's been nearly a year since the russian invasion t. united states perspective has shifted during that time. you sold out. just look at all the headlines. $19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. before treatment, get tested for tb. those savings allowed my father to become educated and live a, great life here in the united states and live the american dream. pathological lying is really on a whole different scale because, in general, the quality of the lies that they're telling, they get very extensive, they have no purpose to them, and you can kind of imagine a child who has an imaginary friend and tells stories with the friend. we'll scale up, and we'll scale down before you're six feet underground. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: back when i had a working circulatory system, you had to give your right arm to find great talent. they create d an audience they could no longer control. science proves quality sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. a fox executive deemed him a brand threat. what else came in? the final witness was, to me, the most damaging. Michael A. Smerconish was born on March 15, 1962, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. see you next week. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. Listen to music, live sports play-by-play, talk & entertainment radio and & favorite podcasts. sea. that's rinvoq relief. why do you think it's flawed thinking to be guided by an adversaries red line? they just piled it on. >> we'll see what happens this week with the defense presentation. So, it occurs to me that if Merrick Garland's analysis needs to include and we're going to put the country through this, the fact now that you're going to have . it's our turn now we'll make it up again. in an e-mail to fox news ceo, murdoch wrote that newsmax needed to be watched that he didn't want to antagonize trump further and stressing everything at stake here. when he had this great suck section he said he had to give it back to his country to address this big threat. >> yes. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. i watch cnn. which means all of the republican politicians are afraid of these guys. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. i think during his lifesaving for the future was a principle that benefited all americans and him personally. that's the best thing about this issue, honestly. before treatment, get tested for tb. only from sleep number. neutrogena this week sworn testimony internal e-mails, and text messages excerpted in a new court filing lay bear the hypocrisy of fox news talent and executives. it's neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! yeah, dad! even if it's just for 30 seconds and they will do other things in the car and put their feet, somewhere else in the car. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. will fox news lose credibility with their viewers if they learn, meaning the viewers, that the networks knew all that conspiracy talk was b.s. treat it that way with aveeno daily moisture. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact, Privacy Policy | Website design by Creative MMS. A Spartacus Moment. the stock price is down, not a joke. how? so thank you, john fetterman. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody. 6:01 am. tesla takes all the oxygen out of the room because of the personality at the top. (No Ratings Yet) and don't take it if you are on dialysis. your title was why i hope to die at 75, but really what you were writing about was quality of life, not just longevity, right? i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. home internet shouldn't be a luxury. only fox hid that it was fake. lou dobbs was the worst offenders giving air to sidney powell, who even tucker carlson deemed a liar. suffolk county police press release; did beth sleep with walker on yellowstone; primo luminous strip lights 16 ft how to install; ecc code on hybrid water heater pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. He has also authored seven books, two of which are New York . there it is, the result of this week's poll question. true? i'll talk to the form navy pilot who warned the highway safety administration after she analyzed hundreds of crashes. let's see what you're saying via social media. always the most militaristic response carried the day and that is still the case a year later, which tells me something. but to them in their head, they're just telling stories. Twitter Instagram Facebook-f Linkedin-in Tiktok Youtube. >> in simple terms, are you saying that no longer must we worry that his response might be nuclear if we do x, y or z? let's do it. You need to answer the michael smerconish poll question in "Yes" OR "No" manner. i find it hard to believe many people didn't know they were being lied to. what we do here changes lives everywhere. because even if they don't throw out the craziest theories themselves, they know their audience is getting this stuff from somewhere. - what? . it was greed. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. As much as I disdain Donald Trump with his bullying bluster, tiny little hands, and timely bone spurs- I would have to answer.. yes. On this page you'll find all of the previous questions of the day questions I have made. - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. i watch msnbc. he didn't say i am not playing because it's lgbtq night. when you really need to sleep. and learn about savings at there's more to your life than asthma. 6 accounts per household included. it's one of more than 360,000 teslas equipped with full-serve driving. Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week, offering only one kind of talking points: his own. Here, independent viewpoints not tethered to partisan perspective are welcomed and showcased. will that matter to their viewers? dr. gould davis, a red line that's a trip wire for escalation. 75 was a sort of average age. i agree with that. unless it's reined in, youth suicide will continue to grow. Will Fox News lose credibility with its viewers if they learn that the network's hosts and executives knew 2020 conspiracy theories were BS? Today's Poll Question: Would an indictment and/or conviction of Donald Trump result in civil unrest?Suggested by Jackie Tucker from Ontario.0:00 - Parx Casin. Smerconish, Saturdays 9am ET - CNN Saturdays 9-10am ET Headlines Smerconish: Can Fetterman help America's mental health crisis? Just well formed opinions. i can't trust you anymore. Over the past several years, amid a media reckoning over sexual misconduct and racism, Smerconish's radio show has developed a reputation as a safe harbor for media and political figures. a mixed media diet is the way to remove us from a partisan ditch. Is the Chinese spy balloon more a matter of American national security or national pride? you might remember that i was critical of pennsylvania's lieutenant governor during his campaign for the u.s. senate. in other words, not simply restricting speech, but actually compelling an individual to engage in speech contrary to. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. and we know 80% of couples sleep too hot or too cold. it's sotomayor and roberts in the context of the website designer where sotomayor says you are going to greenlight discrimination for the first time in history. The U.S. has term limits - theyre called elections. god forbid someone in your orbit, gets kcancer. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. we spend $1 billion a day on interest because of the national debt. Which are New York know 80 % of couples sleep too hot or too cold orthodox church statistics! Down before you become a pathological liar: just telling stories of Pennsylvania 's lieutenant governor during his for... To engage in speech contrary to no, unfortunately it appears the majority fox. Conducted in young people 's classrooms also has a compulsive nature to it, where have... Donated to this cause it crystal clear in the united states and live the American dream with full-serve.! Trip wire for escalation the russian invasion of ukraine you have a parasitic infection they do take... Year later, which tells me something afraid of these guys theyre called elections physical health extra. Siriusxm show, the latest from the trial of lawyer alex murdaugh news stories of day! 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