To do this, you should practice swinging your club with a straight line drawn on the ground in front of you. Mike uses technology, such as Flightscope, V1 Swing Suite, Blast Motion, and BodiTrak pressure mapping, to provide advanced golf training with quick results. WebBall Position: You might have the ball too far forward in your stance. Issue #2: Too Much Draw. One possibility is that your clubface (the part of your club that faces the ball) 17 days ago. The more sidespin that you put on the ball (clubface open or closed) when you hit your shots, the more it will override the backspin that is on the ball and send the ball curving away. Fixing your club angle. Another cause can be too much wrist 3) Blocking through impact with the body or arms Your driver head will look weird, just ignore that and make your normal swing. So, how to hit a golf ball straight and consistently? Your grip should be firm but relaxed, and your hands should be in the correct position to ensure the club face is square to the ball at impact. WebHack #1: Position Is Everything. Here is the guide on hitting the golf ball straight to a certain extent and how to improve on slice and hook. Welcome to TST! Powered by Invision Community. Hard to find a softer ball on the market. A slice that starts right immediately is a push slice - yours is a slice. If too much hook, cut it back slightly; turn it more if not enough. You should also keep your stance wide to get more power in your swing. Check out the 12 best practice golf balls on the market here. Its simple sidespin that is causing the golf ball to curve. This golfing mishap is similar to a gold ball curving while in the air, but it is fact going straight left. The answer is no, and it is simple to explain. Make adjustments to your own body and club size to find the best grip. When I hit a drive my ball starts out straight but then fades off to the right and I am losing some distance. I asked a pro online and he said it wasn't a slice. Should You Try to Hit the Golf Ball Straight? When you buy through links on, I may earn an affiliate commission. Move the ball back in your stance. It wasn't windy. If your feet are too far apart, your swing path will be off and the clubface will not be square to the ball at impact. If you find yourself constantly hitting balls to the right, its important to identify the cause so that you can make adjustments in your game. This will ensure that your shots are not pushing right. Make sure you're using the club properly, with your arms and body in the correct positions. You should focus on making a consistent, smooth swing and building up your clubhead speed gradually. The amount of spin created depends on the type of club you use and the way you hit the ball. . That said, I would make sure that I'm hitting the ball on the center of the face, always. Read more about the 10 best illegal golf balls in 2023 here. The shoulder tilt causes the arms to drop, which drops the club and causes you to swing from the inside. Power Turn | The Fastest Way to Pick Up Distance Today. 3. If so, dont worry, youre not alone. and replicate. An incorrect grip is one of the most common causes of a slice. Fortunately, there are ways to fix it. Learn the basics with our selection of the best golf drills for beginners. Now that we know the cause of the slice, lets move on to fixing it. The best way to learn golf is by playing it! The club face should be square to A grip that is too strong on the club, with the hands rotated too far to the right, will cause the ball to go right. How can you diagnose if the grip is the cause of hook/slice? There are a few reasons why your golf ball might be veering to the right. WebHack #1: Position Is Everything. Now that you know some of the causes of slicing weak golf shots to the right, here are some tips on how to correct it and improve your golf game: 1. One common reason is that your body is positioned too far to the left at address (i.e., your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned too much to the left of the target). Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. That explains the adage, 'a pro thin' shot is better than an 'amateur fat' shot, the latter obviously caused primarily because of the lack of that lateral forward movement in the downswing. So your club face is most likely facing down the target line at impact while the club head path is traveling out-to-in, resulting in the ball starting down the target line then turning right. Slicing weak golf shots to the right is a common issue among golfers. One of the most common reasons for popping up your driver is a poor setup position. Your club face is open at impact. Was like having an instructor telling me in detail what to. Unlike slice, duck hook is shots that curve hard to the left side of the target. How to Stay Safe in a Golf Game? wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Shifting the hips moves the base of the spine, creating spine tilt and tilting the shoulder plane. Join. You want to hit long and straight drives that make your buddies green with envy? Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. Yes, the clubhead speed can be a factor in golf ball direction. This will help keep your shots from pushing right. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and what I can do about it? WebWhy Does My Golf Ball Fade To The Right? Thats also why pros tend to shape their shot depending on the situation rather than try to hit it straight. The reason is that a straight shot is not useful in most experimental conditions, as explained above. If you find it hard to draw a straight line in your head, you can use another club or something straight as a visual cue. This will help you keep the clubface square to the ball and avoid slicing it to the right. Threw a 70 yard dart within 5 foot of the pin in front of a group of old people in their backyard. If you are not yet satisfied and want to know more, check out these FAQs! 1. Connect with the inside part of the golf ball. Analyst dishes on opinions and Tiger Woods. He said a slice starts out going right from the very beginning. Many of you might have seen it already but its worth viewing again. Place the golf ball inside of your front foot and set up your club head a few inches behind the golf ball will help boost flight and distance. Again, this will help make sure that your shots are not pushing right. This means that your club head should move in a straight line from the top of your backswing to the bottom of your follow through. It depends on the person to decide if that is pleasing to them. When using a driver, you should generally play the ball off the inside of the front foot (left for right-handed golfers). First, is to obviously move the right foot slightly further back to encourage an in to out swing path but you will also have to move the ball a slight amount back from the left heel as well to accommodate the shift and to prevent a mishit due to realignment. Low-spin balls travel farther - both in the air and once they hit the ground and continue to roll. This article has been viewed 227,113 times. Your grip should be firm but not too tight, and your hands should be aligned with your target. With a little bit of patience and dedication, you'll soon be hitting longer and straighter tee shots and competing with the best golfers out there! Every one is a "success". Because the swing is an arc, the clubhead actually moves toward the right during the downswing. Russell Westbrook, the erratic, recently signed guard, had the ball on the right wing and looked to get it to Paul George, who had scored five straight points to make the game interesting. Check out our best golf tips for beginners. Playing better golf can be as easy as making a few adjustments to your grip or your stance. Having trouble with your uphill lie? A proper swing path is one that moves from inside the target line, then to the back of the ball, and then back to the target. The ball is too far back in your stance; the club swung too much from the outside; your body turned through too quickly; your hands were late to release. Next, check your body alignment. This is perhaps the most important part of the golf swing, as it will help ensure that your shot is straight and accurate. You're hitting a straight slice- a shot that starts out straight, then slices right. Now, when you spend your practice time fixing your club face so that when it is fixed you now only have a 6 yard fade. It could be open for a variety of reasons and among them are: Actually, those are incomplete swing theories that will do little to fix your slice as well as just giving you more to think about in your swing. Now, these secrets are available to you. Our free golf tips for beginners will help you get started. This can 2. swing path If you want to get some distance with your swing, tee your ball high in the ground and stand so that the ball is aligned with your left toe. Why is it that sometimes regardless of how much you try to stop your slice that it seems to happen again and again? It all comes down to the basic physics of the game. You're clubface is square at impact, but you're swinging out-to-in, which puts sidespin on the ball. WebAfter playing for just under 2 years, finally made my first par on a hole. Allows them to aim center on approach shots and work the ball towards the hole. A common mistake that many golfers make is to push their shots right. The downswing is the most important part of the golf swing. Summary: A golf ball curves to the right when the club face is to the right of the swing path. It's not starting out right and going further right. Professional golfers have been using these secrets for years to hit longer and straighter shots. 20 Minute Shallowing Fix | Shallow the Club on Every Swing and Hit the Most Solid Shots of Your Life. Don't know where to start with golf? Youll be driving longer and straighter than ever before! When there is too much weight on the back foot, the weight shift to the left heel happens late, and the ball is struck with a more open and lofted club head. Incorrect Posture Incorrect posture can also contribute to a weak slice. There's no better feeling than finally sinking that putt or hitting that drive just right. As the slice mostly results from a downward impact angle, you should strike the golf ball on the upswing to improve. This is caused by an incorrect alignment of your body and club head, which will cause your ball to move to the right of the intended target. Why Does My Golf Ball Go Straight Then Right? Above is a link to an excellent article which explains why the ball moves the way it does. With a few simple adjustments to your swing, you can start launching monster-level shots that sail away with ease. If yes, you can practice and see if what Ive guided really works for you and give feedback! If you are pulling your iron shots, they are going and staying to the left of the target (for right-handed golfers). Do you wish you could feel the pride of stunning your buddies with every drive? Confused as to why your golf ball won't go right? Yes, it is improvement, but you spent months practicing your swing path and youre still slicing the golf ball 15 yards. Do Low Spin Golf Balls Go Farther? To practice this, you should hold your club in the correct position and focus on keeping your grip firm but relaxed. Keep the rounded edge of the club straight up when you swing back. I need your advice. By using our site, you agree to our. Is a 6 yard fade perfect maybe, maybe not. One possibility is that you are not swinging the club on a level plane. A slice describes shots where you curve hard to the right side. Make sure that your feet are properly aligned with your shoulders and the target. Now that you know why golf balls go right with irons, let's look at how you can use this knowledge to hit longer and straighter tee shots. It's not so hard to fix. Join. Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Join the weekend golfer community and get "The 3 Easy Secrets Every Weekend Golfer Can Use to Improve Their Game" for FREE. Golf Instructor. Top 20 Player Breakdown (2022), What Golf Balls Do LPGA Players Use? I really struggle to believe I'm working on the right stuff if I don't see physical changes / performance changes straight away., Sign up for the Ask Maria Featured Question of the Day, Make sure you're taking the time to practice your swing and get comfortable with your club. Watching GC is like being 12 years old and staying up late to see if something pops out on that fuzzy high numbered cable channel that your parents dont pay for We had a little group [golf] outing last year, Braves first baseman Matt Olson said. It could also be that youre not shifting your weight correctly during the swing if you favor your left side too much, for example, it can lead to a right-to-left spin on the ball. My opinion is hit the driving range. What Is a Nassau and How to Play It in Golf? Top 4 Benefits of Standing Closer to the Golf Ball. Here is a comparison table for an overall understanding of 3 strikes! Required fields are marked *. There could be a few reasons why youre hitting your irons to the right on the golf course. The first step is to ensure that your grip is correct. Enjoy! If you tend to block a lot of shots to the right, you may be shifting your hips toward the target in the downswing. But, it can also be more complicated than that. Golf iron shots go right to left because your clubface is closed or pointed toward the left when you make contact with the ball. In this section, we'll discuss some of the causes of slicing weak golf shots to the right, and provide some helpful advice on how to correct your slice and improve your golf game. As an Amazon Associate I ( earn from qualifying purchases. Therefore, you may see the ball going straight at first. Swing back until you feel that the left shoulder is right under your chin. If skied shots are a recurring problem, one culprit might be ball position. Either way, you should draw the club up and back before swinging. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. First of all, let's talk about your swing. Want to stop feeling humiliated on the first tee, hit long drives and beat your buddies? Before I did that my drives would go dead straight around 230-250 then take a 90 degree turn in midair. However, thats why every-once-in-a-while that Golfer will hit a great shot. Otherwise, the ball will spin, leading to a fade, a hook or a slice. What causes the face problem is usually the If your clubface is open at impact, it will cause the ball to veer off toward the right side of fairway/green. Remember to keep the clubhead inside of the ball to avoid outside-in swing and reduce spin when you draw back. They all started clapping for me. Many factors can contribute to a slice, but there are three main culprits: an incorrect grip, an outside-in swing, and a clubface thats open at impact. Almost every shot you hit needs the backspin but its the sidespin that causes the problem for most golfers. It's easy! 95. r/golf. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with your swing and the more consistent your shots will be. That ensures a square clubface which is critical to hitting straight shots. Are you go to close the club after impact? This shows that distance rather than age is more likely to result in a low handicap. The most important factor is to ensure that you have the correct set up when you're hitting the ball. How to Hit a Golf Ball Further All You Need to Know! Next, go to the top of your swing and without standing up simply turn your head to look at your hands and make sure that the back of your left hand is in line or flat with your forearm. If your ball is starting straight (without seeing your swing) it's safe to assume that your path is probably pretty good, but that your face is slightly open at impact. Having been golfing for several years, I am well-knowledgeable about the sport, including its equipment. I have the same problem and essentially the same swing gets me a slight draw or a straight shot with every other club in the bag, if I don't inject any other flaw in my swing such as ball position or a harder swing. To fix this, you'll need to make sure that your body and club head are properly aligned when you take your stance. When you hit a golf ball with an iron, you create a spin on the ball. Fortunately, it can be corrected by practicing your swing, using a rangefinder, and/or getting professional help. Golf balls lying above your feet, on a sidehill, have a tendency to shoot left of the target. The reason they do is because the sidehill will promote a flatter swing that will leads to a more aggressive release of the hands. This will naturally close the clubface and send the ball to the left of the target. FIX: Aim right of the target. There are a few reasons why your golf ball might be veering to the right. The other possibility 2) Cupped wrists and open face at the top Also, make sure your left arm is straight before swinging down so as to avoid early release on the downstring path. Get tips to help you improve your score and become a better golfer. With your years of experience teaching, what are the most common things your students do wrong. And far as I know, this pattern is indeed a slice, a straight slice, induced by a slight out to in path with a straight club face at impact. When you feel comfortable with your 7-iron, move up to a driver and practice with that. Learn how to shallow the golf club and hit it further with easy fix and understanding for shallow golf swing arc in the downswing. Get Professional Help If you're still having trouble, consider getting some professional help. "Great tips and steps for beginners, very well explained. I hit my drives about 200 yardsthey go perfectly straight the first 125 yards and then curve right the last 75 yards. One possibility is that your clubface is angled too much to the right at impact. It was awesome. The solution is simply to stop the golf ball from spinning to the right. Additionally, you'll want to make sure that your feet, hips, and shoulders are all in line with the target. If my clubface is open, then how could it possibly be going perfectly straight for the first 125 yards? These balls will travel further in the air and on the ground, often continuing to roll. Are you going to close the club before impact? Going to an overly strong grip as you suggested It is clear that golf slicing and going right is a common issue among many golfers. With the right technique and a few practice swings, you can tap into the golf fantasy you've always wanted. If youre a golfer, youve probably experienced the dreaded slice. This is when your golf ball veers sharply to the right, no matter how hard you try to hit it straight. You're not alone. So, what are you waiting for? When this happens, its usually because the body and arms have rotated too far to the left during the swing, causing the clubface to open up. And how do you know when to adjust grip (strengthen/weaken)? Do you want to lower your score and shock your buddies with your newfound golf prowess? Second, make sure youre not standing too close or too far away from the golf ball. Lets look at it based on an actual shot you may hit: you use your Driver and hit a shot. in Clubs, Grips, Shafts, Fitting, Copyright 2004-2023 The Sand Trap .com Not so much with the other clubs, primarily due to the length of the clubs and probably due to a more compact swing with them. % of people told us that this article helped them. WebFirst, you need to understand why your golf ball goes straight then right (or left). Click here to submit your #1 question about golf and claim your FREE copy of the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO! Easier to hit than a straight shot. It always challenges players with combined requirements of control, accuracy, force, flexibility, and more. A high tee will allow you to strike the ball on the upswing. Why is this? Get ready to take your game to the next level! With the proper technique and practice, you should be able to stop slicing the ball and hit long, straight drives in no time. But the other shots that arent perfectly timed are filled with inconsistency and frustration. 20 Minute Shallowing Fix | Shallow the Club on Every Swing and Hit the Most Solid Shots of Your Life. This is known as an inside-out swing path. In hitting straight shots, the most important factor is hand placement and alignment. Top Speed Lag | Finally Enjoy Effortless Power. This will help you to better understand how the ball reacts to different clubs and how you can control the spin on the ball. Its very difficult to guarantee a dead straight hit because it requires an accurate swing as well as the alignment of the clubheads face with the target at impact. Your divots should go left because the head of the club is closing "after contact" where your divot should contact the ground, now this isn`t a radical left but the key is where your ball is going, if NORTH PORT, Fla. -- It seems like everybody has a story about seeing Michael Harris II do something extraordinary with a baseball, basketball, bowling ball, golf club or even a pool stick. like your trying to hit the ball with this right shoulder. 3. Therefore, you are recommended to drive the golf ball flexibly instead of insisting on a straight hit, which is harder and can not deliver a promising result. That might sound complicated, but it isnt. What Is Your Favorite Driver in the Last 5 Years? Get the most distance from your swing by using a high tee. Therefore, you may see the ball going straight at first. This causes you to make contact when the club is still swinging to left field. That would make the golf ball fly to the left of your target and have you lose power. But those theories dont go deep enough to truly fix the slice. As you swing through the ball, make sure to keep your arms, wrists, and shoulders in line with the target. Why Does My Golf Ball Fade To The Right? As it stands, fade occurs when the club face is open to the swing path at impact, meaning it looks to the right of the swing path immediately as a shot flies into it. In other words, right-handers get the first ball into the golf course when using their clubs. The clubface will fade when the driver moves ShawnQ, Yesterday at 01:06 AM As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Where Do Golfers Stay While Participating in the Masters Tournament, How Long Do Golf Cart Batteries Last On One Charge. Finally, make sure your swing path is correct. Shindig, July 18, 2017 Are you tired of being the laughingstock of the clubhouse? This will help ensure that the clubface is square to the ball at impact. Finally, you should focus on your grip. To learn how to grip the golf club for different shots, read on! If you're an overweight weekend duffer who wants to shock your buddies with a monster-level shot that sails away with eyes for the fairway, youve come to the right place. 3. Slicers tend to swing too steeply. The flight readings of the longer clubs seem to be off a little. Incorrect Use of the Club Finally, incorrect use of the club can cause a weak slice. Last Updated: March 5, 2022 Another reason might be that youre swinging too much from the inside-out, causing you to slice the ball. Because once you first hit the golf ball, it will start in the direction your golf club is moving. We can see handicappers of <9 hitting the ball on average 243 yards. Piper Blue. Here, my body and feet are perfectly aligned with the alignment stick, which is my ball-to-target line. Your email address will not be published. Sasquatch Tour Bag | '09 Burner driver, 10.5* | Speedline F10 3W | Mashie 3H | Viper MS irons, 4-SW | CG15 60* | White Hot XG #7. Tight Grip. Straight-Line Release | Let It All Go for Maximum Speed. Jimjam651, February 10 This is one of the most important steps to hitting the golf ball straight. Make sure your hands are in a neutral position, meaning your left thumb should be pointed at the middle of your chest. A slice is when the ball curves to the right for a right-handed golfer. While a draw is one of the most coveted shots in golf, its also tough for most golfers as the majority of players suffer from the opposite, a slice. What types of grip can affect my golf ball going right? Its the golf ball spinning to the right (after it hits your golf club) that is causing the golf ball to turn to the right. Get the most out of your golf swing and become a better golfer with these golf tips. However, its not always necessary to hit the golf ball straight. Find the best golf balls for amateurs and uncover the secret to improving your golf game. Don't worry, you've come to the right place! This beginners guide will help you learn the very basics. After impact, the golf ball will fly very fast in the direction your club is moving. Have you ever wondered why the better golfers curve the ball one way or another. Your left hand should be lower on the shaft than your right, and both hands should be positioned so that their palms face each other (not the ground). How you set your feet is not as important as hand placement. But its the sidespin that causes the arms to drop, which puts sidespin on the.. Worry, you should also keep your arms, wrists, and it is,! Swings, you 'll need to know neutral position, meaning your left thumb should be at. 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