Cancer Inst. VC refers to tumor volume values calculated through the formula VT = 0.5 L W2, and VCH refers to those through the formula VT = 0.5 L W H. VS refers to measurements taken by the scanner, and % Inc. refers to the percent increase between VS and VCH. Although the low dose bevacizumab therapy is well known in the literature, we found no article (in the English literature) regarding very low dose and quasi-continuous bevacizumab therapy, as used in our study. Open Access As it was discussed above, the handling of animals by calipers measurements also suffers such deformations of the animal body during the measurements. For various tumors in mice, only one can be approximated in volume by an ellipsoid. Intrinsic susceptibility MR imaging of chemically induced rat mammary tumors: relationship to histologic assessment of hypoxia and fibrosis. Accessibility We have investigated different methods to find the best tumor volume estimation since it creates the possibility for precise and effective drug administration with a much lower dose than in the protocol. Clarke, R. Animal models of breast cancer: their diversity and role in biomedical research. The tumor volume calculation was executed using the formula V = (W2 L)/2 for caliper measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, and L is tumor length . After sacrificing mice, tumors were removed, and their mass was measured. M}{Gt{zj|&cXx[k?CZ ~AjTxMr0 '~ix$mj/)9?$ t-o6MkVXs's}^E6-^_Yrv#w&r7w@WsQs]#G g$Cn. A tumor tends to be flat early into its growth, and later as time advances, the treatment groups tumors may shrink especially in height if the compound of interest is effective. Figure 4. Mice were humanely sacrificed using cervical dislocation. The significant difference between quasi-continuous therapy (Phase III/3 case group) and tumor growth without treatment (Phase I) was proved with statistical analysis as well. to calculate several estimates of tumor volume using the equations for the volume of a sphere ([4 /3]r3), Here r is average of a, b and c the volume of an Faustino-Rocha AI, Gama A, Oliveira PA, Vanderperren K, Saunders JH, Pires MJ, Ferreira R, Ginja M. Life Sci. Usually, 3.0 x 10 6 cells are needed per injection. For ultrasonography measurements, we calculated tumor volume . Importantly, these measured size differences are real; they are not due to a miscalculation by the algorithm but due to the pressing of the tumor mass into the body. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, Corrections, Expressions of Concern, and Retractions,,,,, It can be carried out in vivo during the experiment due to the subcutaneous localization of the tumor. Fj^P;7? . To evaluate tumor volume, first the shape of the tumor has to be assumed, and if it is necessary for volume calculation, the third diameter (height, h) has to be approximated. Accurately measure the tumor (in cm) using a caliper. They then used different formulas to calculate tumor volume from these tumor measurements and compared the calculated tumor volumes with the real tumor volume to identify the formulas that gave the most accurate volume calculations. (6) (7). National Library of Medicine Internet J. Surg. produced by the TumorImager-2TM so that the animal is aligned under the mask each time similarly to the previous scan. P`e+"JF^ : 4:p7]k = Jy}! Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. In Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, eight weeks old male C57Bl/6 mice with implanted C38 mouse colorectal carcinoma was used. 120, 386391 (2003). <> Automatic randomization to perform group assignments based on body weight, tumor area/volume, delta tumor volume, or any numeric value and/or user-defined formula; Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. 8600 Rockville Pike The closer the shape of the tumor is to a perfect ellipsoid, as in the region of the graph in which H closely W, the more closely caliper measurements mirror real-life measurements. Mice were humanely sacrificed using cervical dislocation. In Phase I, 10 mice were sacrificed at the 24th day of the experiment. The closer the slope of a line on this graph is to 1 and the y-intercept to 0, the closer the measurements of the device it represents are to the exact values of the tumors volumes. B){00)Y$Ixlr{dYe}#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ,^X_zN5:EZN]zM^k /Wu^ZZi#Ju.!L!z@u*kUim|+aZmjth-}z5'^|= 4L1_]qVZV*h@! Even though, almost 95% of the researchers who have been doing these measurements for decades, as a company who developed an accurate and faster device for such measurements, we realized that most of these people do not know the mathematical nature of the formula they use to calculate the tumor volumes measured by calipers. Tumor volume in subcutaneous mouse xenografts measured by microCT is more accurate and reproducible than determined by 18 F-FDG-microPET or external caliper. Similarly, we may have the possibility to a) measure the tumor volume using nanotechnology, b) create a pump for drug administration and c) design control algorithms for specific tumor types. Treat. Kim HB, Zeng CH, Kim Y, Jeong S, Kim SH, Kang JM, Park Y, Won DS, Kim JW, Ryu DS, Lim B, Park JH. Thirty-two tumors (46%) were nonspherical, as defined above; of these, 19 tumors were nonspherical in the x-y plane, 10 tumors were nonspherical in the y-z plane, and 24 tumors were nonspherical in the x-z plane. Measurements with small animal MRI were done on the 4th, 8th, 11th, 15th, 18th and 23rd days of the experiment in Phase III/3. In this study, the authors measured dimensions of rat mammary tumors using a caliper and using real-time compound B-mode ultrasonography. PhD from the 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Institute from Semmelweis University, Budapest, for making the fluorescence pictures with confocal microscope. J. Nucl. et al. The whole experiment consisted of four phases; the article focuses on the Phase III/3 and its results together with the comparison of Phase I and Phase III/3 (Fig 1). In caliper measurements, two values, for length and width, must be recorded for one tumor in each animal; this means that for every 100 animals studied, at least 200 measurements must be made and recorded. The height and topography of the tumor is not taken into account in a caliper measurement. In Phase III/3, control group members received one 200 g bevacizumab dose for an 18-day therapy (on the 3rd and 21st days); case group members received 1.11 g bevacizumab every day for 20 days. Figure 15. [45] have found that the combination of low-dose cyclophosphamide and ginsenoside Rg3 therapy can be more effective than the normal administration. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. %PDF-1.4 Tumor volume (and the third diameter) has to be approximated, assuming a certain shape for the tumor. Comparison of volume measurement results between four users. 3.4. The tumor can be more and sometimes less visible or popped up from under the skin. J. Ultrasound Med. This concept can easily be understood by a simple thought experiment: the volume of a stack of pennies (Figure 4.). recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) [36]) as a first or second line treatment, usually in combination with chemo- or immunotherapy. On the other hand, values given by a scanner (VS, red triangles) more closely follow the true volume of the pennies (VT, blue diamonds). In the first four measurement times 30 slices were done from each mouse; in the last two measurement times 40 slices were done from each mouse due to the larger tumor volume. Tumor volume was measured with digital caliper. Consequences are manifold. Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, Affiliation A quiet and modestly T2-weighted spin-echo scan was acquired at 4.7T (TE = 15 msec, TR = 1100 msec, 0.5 mm isotropic . In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Cancer Res. The majority of debate over Avastin is about breast cancer because, in 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revoked the approval of Avastin for breast cancer treatment in the absence of decisive therapeutic benefit; however, several clinical trials suggested that Avastin can be effective in breast cancer treatment [6, 7]. In this phase, control group members received no treatment; case1 group members received one 200 g bevacizumab dose; while case2 group members received 1.11 g bevacizumab daily for 15 days (the total dose of case2 group members is the one-twelfth dose of case1 group members). Disclaimer. Can the Kuznetsov Model Replicate and Predict Cancer Growth in Humans? This paper reviews the standard technique for tumour volume assessment, calliper measurements, by conducting a statistical review of a large dataset consisting of 2,500 tumour volume measurements from 1,600 mice by multiple operators across 6 mouse strains and 20 tumour models. Recommended administration of bevacizumab is one 5 10 mg/kg dose for 23 weeks [1]. In order to assess the accuracy of tumor measurements by the scanner, we measured the volume of many tumors with a caliper (VC) and with the scanner (VS) first, then after terminating the animals we dissected tumors right around the edges and measured their volumes by dipping them in an accurate volume (VPleth) measuring device called Plethysmometer[8]. & Wieder, H. Monitoring chemotherapy and radiotherapy of solid tumors. (8) The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W2 L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor depth. Copyright 2023 We have found in our previous study [32] that measurements without contrast agents resulted in high quality images, where tumor can be circumscribed precisely, thus the usage of contrast is unnecessary. CAS Mice were monitored daily. Tumor volumes measured with a Plethysmometer (VPleth) independent of caliper and scanner measurements (VC, VS) vs. VC and VS. Table 1. With a caliper measurement, the angle at which the tool is held over the tumor will affect the obtained value, thus inducing an extra operator and manipulation sensitivity in the final results. here. Nevertheless the result of our study shows that the effectiveness is even better. There are no further patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. PubMed sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal These measurements gave us accurate tumor volumes to compare the accuracy of this new technique in measuring tumor volumes. Pursuant to one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, each sample has normal distribution (ppIV_control = 0.981, ppIV_case1 = 0.998, ppIV_case2 = 0.854). Figure 10. To validate our results which come from the experiments where mouse tumor vascularization was inhibited with humanized VEGF, we evaluated the results of Phase IV, where immunocompromized (SCID) mice were used with human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. Research and Innovation Center of Obuda University, Physiological Controls Group, Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary, Affiliation In addition, studies using CT scans concluded that CT yielded tumor volume values 11 to 12% less (an underestimate) than those which were measured by calipers, and that CT-based measurements yielded more accurate and consistent values than caliper-based measurements[6, 7]. . Substituting tumor mass values which were measured in Phase I into Eq 8, the corresponding tumor volume values can be evaluated (one can find numerical results in Table 2 Tumor volume MRI column; and graphical results in Fig 6). 26 December 2022, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Our results provide a theoretical background for a much more effective bevacizumab treatment using optimized administration. Breast Cancer Res. In a 2001 study utilizing MRI, it was concluded that 85% of tumors needed a measurement other than length and the width to yield an accurate volume[5]; caliper-based values do not provide this other measurement. Yes While the scanner only overestimates by about 2%, the caliper overestimates by 32%, as shown by the slope of the line being 1.32. Although there are studies which confirme that bevacizumab is as effective as the murine anti-VEGF-R2 antibody (DC101) in mouse models ([27, 28]), we extended our experiments and performed Phase IV, where immunocompromized (SCID) mice were used with human colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) xenografts. Tumor volume was measured with digital caliper as well. Later in a study, when a tumor grows into larger masses, the shape of the tumor can differ greatly from an ellipsoid, as shown in Figure 7. Substituting tumor mass values which were measured on the 24th day of Phase I to the equation of the resulted curve, the corresponding tumor volume values can be evaluated (evaluated data). Animals were carried out in the most humane and environmentally sensitive manner possible; in addition the 3Rs principle (replacement, refinement, reduction) was adequately implemented according to the Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament. Would you like email updates of new search results? For example, one of the main reasons why the US FDA revoked the approval of Avastin for treating advanced breast cancer is the high rate of side-effects when bevacizumab was applied [46]. One can see that the two-dimensional mathematical model fits to the MRI-measured values, while the protocol-based values present totally different curve. In Phase III/3, MRI-measured tumor volume values are available which can be used as reference values for caliper-measured data. Verma, R. et al. Unmeasured part of the tumor for caliper, Figure 11. The explanation of the effectiveness of low dose VEGF therapy is the following ([3944]). The shape of the tumor, more often than not, is not an ellipsoid. by US (c.c) Vol. Kubatka, P. et al. A study[4]on caliper measurements, shoved the very poor accuracy of the formula used for caliper measurements. A graph depicting tumor volume in mm3, as measured by a caliper compared to its actual volume, vs. days. The obtained data include height and topography changes. n5). In the case1 group, one mouse died on the 17th day. 37, 331337 (2011). Mice in Phase I and Phase IV control group received no bevacizumab. Even though we did not have a statistical analysis of volume loss due to the unmeasured part of tumors in caliper measurements, the lost volume could be higher than the scanner results. A direct 3d measurement tool such as the TM900 does not induce such method sensitivity but cannot exclude operator dependency of the obtained values. A caliper was used to calculate the tumor volume every-three days, and the volume was calculated according to the formula: V = ab 2 /2, where a represents major axis length and b represents minor axis length. The size of maximum tumor volumes observed in our study fulfills the requirements of Hungarian animal experimental research protocol. The post hoc test resulted in the following. The protocol was approved by the Hungarian Animal Experimental Research Ethics Council (llatksrleti Tudomnyos Etikai Tancs, ATET), Permit Number: 22.1/1159/3/2010. ), the more correlated a given group (scanner or caliper estimations) is to the black line (r2 = 1), the more accurate the tumor volume measurements are. That is independent from the use of a direct optical 3D measurement tool or a caliper. The TM900 also stores an optical image in the measurement data base. 47, 510 (2001). Accuracy of Optical Imaging for Measuring Tumor Burden In Vivo . Effects of different applied voltages of irreversible electroporation on prostate cancer in a mouse model. This device measures the volume displacement of the water due to any object dipped into a measuring cylinder. () and were used with the parameters displayed in Table 1Parameters for Gompertz growth were taken from Benzekry et al. Several studies have investigated the effectiveness of bevacizumab therapy according to different cancer types but these days there is an intense debate on its utility. Yes, Editor: Francesco Bertolini, Weber, W.A. (5) Get just this article for as long as you need it, Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout. Comput. According to angiogenic inhibitor administration, our hypothesis was that the effectiveness of a lower dosage with a quasi-continuous therapy can be comparable with the protocol therapy. The tumor shown has a dip in its form, which means that its volume will be less than that of a tumor without a dip. A caliper measurement would only take into account the components for length and width and therefore ignore this dip measured by the values for height, which would, in turn, inaccurately measure the tumors volume. Healthy tissues have efficient vasculature and effective blood supply due to the balance of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors. Kim DK, Synn CB, Yang SM, Kang S, Baek S, Oh SW, Lee GJ, Kang HW, Lee YS, Park JS, Kim JH, Byeon Y, Kim YS, Lee DJ, Kim HW, Park JD, Lee SS, Lee JY, Lee JB, Kim CG, Hong MH, Lim SM, Kim HR, Pyo KH, Cho BC. The problems with tumor volume measurements by calipers, 3.1 Tumor growth: Height is not equal to the width of the tumor, 3.3 Caliper measurements are time-consuming, 3.4 Caliper measurements ignore a larger volume,, A Structured Light Based Laboratory Animal Subcutaneous Tumor Scanning System. Even though all the three diameters can be measured, the estimation of the volume has quite a large error. After fixing in methanol, rat anti-mouse CD31 antibody (1:50, 550274 BD PHARMINGEN) was applied as primer antibody, and FITC conjugated anti-rat CD31 antibody (1:100, Jackson Immunoresearch, 712-095-150) was applied on the slides as secondary antibody. constant low-dose therapy because in the case of controller-based administration, the control signal (administration dose) can vary from zero to the maximum tolerable dose according to the perceived tumor volume. & Bullock, G.) 253257 (Elsevier Academic, Boston, 2004). Front Chem. Levenes test showed that the sample variances are equal (p = 0.108). Controller-based therapy has the obvious advantage against e.g. In one trial, 208 tumors were measured, and 98.94% of those tumors exhibited much smaller heights than widths. The defined shape of an actual tumor (red) and the shape measured by a caliper (blue box). Figure 5. The mathematical relationship between MRI-measured tumor volume and mass was investigated to estimate accurate tumor volume using caliper-measured data. Tumor growth Tumor regression Number of Number of volume volume doublings Percentage additional halvings: Decrease in Percentage decrcase in increase Volume Area" Diameterb volume doubling number Volume Area" Diameterb Doubling of Halving of Volume 1 .o 100.0 58.7 26.0 Volume 1 .o 50.0 37.0 20.6 (4). This helps to calculate accurate tumor volume from caliper measured data which will be useful for further animal experiments and as a consequence no small MRI measurements will be needed. Repetitive non-typhoidal Salmonella exposure is an environmental risk factor for colon cancer and tumor growth. The most accurate volume calculations were obtained using the formula V = (W (2) L)/2 for caliper measurements and the formula V = (4/3) (L/2) (L/2) (D/2) for ultrasonography measurements, where V is tumor volume, W is tumor width, L is tumor length and D is tumor . In Phase I, mice were sacrificed when the tumor reached a lethal size; it was on the 24th day of the experiment. In Phase IV, the first measurement occurred when the tumors have reached an average volume of 5060 mm3 (according to the xenograft protocol [20]). Cancer 60, 765771 (1987). In the case2 group, one mouse died on the 8th day, before the therapy (bevacizumab administration) started. In Phase IV, case2 group members received 1.11 g bevacizumab (with 45 l 0.9% NaCl solution) every day form the 8th day for 15 days. Measurements with caliper were done on the 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 24th days of the experiment in Phase I; in the case of Phase III/3, they were done on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd and 23rd days. The results presented here were provided by them. 22, 921929 (2003). First way is the caliper measurement; in that case tumor diameters (width, length) are measured with digital caliper. CA Cancer J. Clin. Considering the possibility of precise tumor volume determination and the effective quasi-continuous drug administration, it opens a new treatment choice based on closed-loop control. Care should be taken not to stretch the mouse whether using one or two hands to hold the mouse during a scan. Influence of breast cancer histology on the relationship between ultrasound and pathology tumor size measurements. Mammary tumors seemed to take on an oblate spheroid geometry. Tumor area was determined with flood fill algorithm [31] from the slides; by knowing the volume of a voxel, tumor volume was calculated from these two values. Treat. All surgery and sacrifice were performed under sodium pentobarbital anaesthesia (Nembutal, 70 mg/kg). Also, at beginning of the tumor growth when the tumor is invisible or when a tumor shrinks due to the effectiveness of the drug, in order to measure the volume of such an invisible tumor, it is a general practice to palpate the tumor area to reveal some mass to measure. Quite a large error % PDF-1.4 tumor volume using caliper-measured data that is independent from the of. One trial, 208 tumors were removed, and 98.94 % of those tumors much... Used as reference values for caliper-measured data biomedical research a faster, simpler path to publishing in a mouse.! Were measured, the estimation of the tumor glioblastoma ( rGBM ) [ 36 ] ) a! 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