It seemed he had made the long journeyfor nothing. *\"I'm the leader of the caravan,\" said a dark-eyed, bearded man. He had had the same dreamthat night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken the sheep that stillslept. Inhis pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of hispersistence and courage. For nearly a year, he had beenworking incessantly, thinking only of putting aside enough money so that hecould return to Spain with pride.\"Never stop dreaming,\" the old king had said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 40 / 94But, in the desert, there was only the sound of the eternal wind, and of thehoofbeats of the animals. \"There are rumors of tribal wars,\" he told them.The three fell silent. \"I have to go and gather my sheep andget going.\"\"Give me one-tenth of your sheep,\" said the old man, \"and I'll tell you howto find the hidden treasure.\"The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.The old woman hadn't charged him anything, but the old manmaybe hewas her husbandwas going to find a way to get much more money inexchange for information about something that didn't even exist. There was a small building there, with awindow at which people bought tickets to Africa. Sometimes, there's just no way tohold back the river. The tea seemed less bitter.\"Who are you?\" he heard a voice ask him in Spanish.The boy was relieved. In those days it had been wonderful to beselling crystal, and he had thought how he would become rich, and havebeautiful women at his side as he grew older.But, as time passed, Tangier had changed. The Alchemist Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Swear that you will give me one-tenth of your treasurein exchange for what I am going to tell you.\"The shepherd swore that he would. He thought for a moment that it would be better to pay herfee and leave without learning a thing, that he was giving too muchimportance to his recurrent dream.\"You came so that you could learn about your dreams,\" said the old woman.\"And dreams are the language of God. *The old woman led the boy to a room at the back of her house; it wasseparated from her living room by a curtain of colored beads. Originally written in Portuguese, it became a widely translated international bestseller. 12 by Ben Jonson. As he mused about these things, he realized that he had to choosebetween thinking of himself as the poor victim of a thief and as anadventurer in quest of his treasure.\"I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure,\" he said to himself. \"Maybe that's why they give up on it so early,too. Hethought that, with some patience, he'd be able to transform everything intogold. But ever since he had been a child, he had wantedto know the world, and this was much more important to him than knowingGod and learning about man's sins. He had come to the town only to find a woman who couldinterpret his dream. He prepared himself a sandwich and drank somehot tea from a crystal glass. If a guide were to fall ill or die, the camel drivers would draw lotsand appoint a new one. The boy approached awoman who had come to the well to fill a goatskin with water.\"Good afternoon, ma'am. The Santiago consults a gypsy woman to interpret the . Enough to buy himself a hundred and twentysheep, a return ticket, and a license to import products from Africa into hisown country. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 13 / 94\"Well, he thought about that,\" the old man said. But that disaster taught me to understand the wordof Allah: people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achievingwhat they need and want.\"We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or ourpossessions and property. He realized thathe could do the same thing the old man had donesense whether a personwas near to or far from his destiny. With a movement that was too quick for someone his age, the mancovered whatever it was with his cape. It was the time of day when all of Spain slept duringthe summer. \"The caravan and the desert speak the same language, and it's forthat reason that the desert allows the crossing. The old woman had said the same thing. Itwas there that the wise man lived.\"Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the mainroom of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went,people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing softmusic, and there was a table covered with platters of the most deliciousfood in that part of the world. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 7 / 94makes a shepherd's life exciting.\"I have had the same dream twice,\" he said. The Alchemist tells the story of a young shepherd named Santiago who is able to find a treasure beyond his wildest dreams. The boy waited, and then interrupted the old man just as he himself hadbeen interrupted. \"They're just a pile of stones. He had to choose between something he hadbecome accustomed to and something he wanted to have. He quickly pulled his hands away.\"I didn't come here to have you read my palm,\" he said, already regrettinghaving come. Like. *A card hanging in the doorway announced that several languages werespoken in the shop. *At the highest point in Tarifa there is an old fort, built by the Moors. \"Because you really like to travel.\"\"He knew what I was thinking,\" the boy said to himself. \"And todo that, you need money. It traveled during the morning, haltedwhen the sun was at its strongest, and resumed late in the afternoon. I never thoughtI'd end up in a place like this, he thought, as he leafed through the pages ofa chemical journal. The sheep fidgeted nearby, uneasy with their newowner and excited by so much change. In lessthan a year, he would have doubled his flock, and he would be able to dobusiness with the Arabs, because he was now able to speak their strangelanguage. I'm interested only inthe present. The Alchemist a novel by Paulo Coelho. That's why I feel that I deserve a part ofwhat you find.\"And this is my interpretation: you must go to the Pyramids in Egypt. \"The religion hereforbids it.\"The boy told him then that he needed to get to the Pyramids. Then aman approached.\"Do you know someone here who cures people's illnesses?\" the boy asked.\"Allah cures our illnesses,\" said the man, clearly frightened of the strangers.\"You're looking for witch doctors.\" He spoke some verses from the Koran,and moved on.Another man appeared. Published 1992. Butthis was the present momentthe party the camel driver had mentionedand he wanted to live it as he did the lessons of his past and his dreams ofthe future. I'm trying to find out where the alchemist lives Everything you need for every book you read. Something brightreflected from his chest with such intensity that the boy was momentarilyblinded. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 36 / 94an alchemist. \"And ask for aglass of wine for me. He had remembered that one of thecrystal merchant's suppliers transported his crystal by means of caravansthat crossed the desert. I have been told that beauty is the great seducer ofmen.\"The merchant didn't respond, but that afternoon, after saying his prayersand closing the shop, he invited the boy to sit with him and share hishookah, that strange pipe used by the Arabs.\"What is it you're looking for?\" asked the old merchant.\"I've already told you. \"But I have to buy two camels.\"They walked together through the narrow streets of Tangier. But that's the way life is with sheep and Heneeded someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility ofwar.\"I learned that the world has a soul, and that whoever understands that soulcan also understand the language of things. He was sure the girl would never understand. He was going to be able to save thelittle money he had because of a dream about hidden treasure!\"Well, interpret the dream,\" he said.\"First, swear to me. Then she tookboth of his hands in hers, and began quietly to pray.It sounded like a Gypsy prayer. A special 25th anniversary edition of the extraordinary international bestseller, including a new Foreword by Paulo Coelho. \"I'll work all night, untildawn, and I'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop. Sparklet Chapter Summaries Summary & Analysis Part One, Section 1 Section 2 The boy offered his bottle, hoping that the old man wouldleave him alone.But the old man wanted to talk, and he asked the boy what book he wasreading. But now, as the sun began to set, he was in a differentcountry, a stranger in a strange land, where he couldn't even speak thelanguage. But he decided to take a chance. I thoughtthat someday I'd be rich, and could go to Mecca. The silence of thedesert was a distant dream; the travelers in the caravan were talkingincessantly, laughing and shouting, as if they had emerged from thespiritual world and found themselves once again in the world of people.They were relieved and happy.They had been taking careful precautions in the desert, but the camel driverexplained to the boy that oases were always considered to be neutralterritories, because the majority of the inhabitants were women andchildren. \"They are so used tome that they know my schedule,\" he muttered. And theodor of the animals became a bit more tolerable.A young Arab, also loaded down with baggage, entered, and greeted theEnglishman.\"Where are you bound?\" asked the young Arab.\"I'm going into the desert,\" the man answered, turning back to his reading.He didn't want any conversation at this point. Hecouldn't have been wrong.\"I had never heard of alchemists before,\" the boy said. He knew that wind: people called it the levanter,because on it the Moors had come from the Levant at the eastern end ofthe Mediterranean.The levanter increased in intensity. An illustration of an open book. He had noticed that, as soon as he awoke, most of his animals alsobegan to stir. We're only two hours from Spain.\"\"Sit down, and let me treat you to something,\" said the boy. He decided to stay right there and await his return.As he waited, a priest climbed to the top of a nearby tower and began hischant; everyone in the market fell to their knees, touched their foreheads tothe ground, and took up the chant. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 39 / 94There were almost two hundred people gathered there, and four hundredanimalscamels, horses, mules, and fowl. It was bunched up, and he had hardly thought of it for along time. \"His way isn't the same as mine, nor mine as his. *The boy went to his room and packed his belongings. Buthe was excited at his intuitive understanding of the camel driver's comment:maybe he was also learning the universal language that deals with the pastand the present of all people. \"I dreamed that I was in a fieldwith my sheep, when a child appeared and began to play with the animals. I began to make somemoney, but I could never bring myself to leave someone in charge of theshop; the crystals are delicate things. He had tried in vain to establish a relationship with Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 1 / 94 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. Share to Twitter . I need to buy my sheep back, so I have to earn themoney to do so.\" So the boy sat on the steps of the shop and took a book fromhis bag.\"I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,\" said a girl's voice behind him.The girl was typical of the region of Andalusia, with flowing black hair, andeyes that vaguely recalled the Moorish conquerors.\"Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books,\" he answered.During the two hours that they talked, she told him she was the merchant'sdaughter, and spoke of life in the village, where each day was like all theothers. The way the content is organized He told himself that he would have to startreading thicker books: they lasted longer, and made more comfortablepillows.It was still dark when he awoke, and, looking up, he could see the starsthrough the half-destroyed roof. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 37 / 94scene that began the book. There areother things I do, too, but most of the time people don't realize I've donethem.\"The old man related that, the week before, he had been forced to appearbefore a miner, and had taken the form of a stone. He went downthe stairs and found the merchant waiting on a foreign couple, while twoother customers walked about the shop, drinking tea from crystal glasses. Maybe theworld had other hidden treasures, but he had a dream, and he had met witha king. In his pouch, he had his jackethe certainly wasn't goingto need it in the desert. As they satdown at the only table in the place, the crystal merchant laughed.\"You didn't have to do any cleaning,\" he said. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the beauty of theflowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. The boy had noticed that the Englishman was irritable, and missed hisbooks.\"So that those who have the responsibility for understanding canunderstand,\" he said. All they think about is food and water.Maybe we're all that way, the boy mused. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 30 / 94at my side, and those in front of me, and the conversations and prayers wewould share. Read key facts, the plot summary, and important quotes . (PDF) The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. He never realized thatpeople are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.\"\"He should have decided to become a shepherd,\" the boy said. \"If you start out by promising what youdon't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work toward getting it.\"The boy told him that he had already promised to give one-tenth of histreasure to the Gypsy.\"Gypsies are experts at getting people to do that,\" sighed the old man. \"I have the money I need to buy my sheep.And you have the money you need to go to Mecca.\"The old man said nothing.\"Will you give me your blessing?\" asked the boy. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in theheavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race.Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the momentwe're living right now.\"Two nights later, as he was getting ready to bed down, the boy looked forthe star they followed every night. As long asthe boy knew how to find the best pastures in Andalusia, they would be hisfriends. They trust me, and they've forgotten how to rely on theirown instincts, because I lead them to nourishment. They spent so much time close to the fire that gradually theygave up the vanities of the world. As long as you appreciate this is poorly written feel-good tripe out of a depressed author's mind, where character development is too much for him and plot-wise everything must turn out well in the end, then read on: you're good. They workedhard just to have food and water, like the sheep. So he could not be hasty, nor impatient. As theysat around the fire, the camel drivers exchanged information about Heknew it would require a lot of patience, but shepherds know all aboutpatience. Melchizedek, the king ofSalem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanterblowing in his face. We areobliged, at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.\"Mecca is a lot farther away than the Pyramids. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 45 / 94 *\"Why do they make things so complicated?\" he asked the Englishman onenight. But the Englishman appeared not to attach any importance toit.\"In a way, so am I,\" he said.\"I don't even know what alchemy is,\" the boy was saying, when thewarehouse boss called to them to come outside. He remembered what the old man had said about offering somethingyou didn't even have yet.\"I'd like you to take me there if you can. The miner, with all the angerand frustration of his five fruitless years, picked up the stone and threw itaside. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 18 / 94\"The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. Project Gutenberg. Parents would rather see their children marry bakersthan shepherds.\"The boy felt a pang in his heart, thinking about the merchant's daughter.There was surely a baker in her town.The old man continued, \"In the long run, what people think about shepherdsand bakers becomes more important for them than their own destinies.\"The old man leafed through the book, and fell to reading a page he cameto. In the crowd were women,children, and a number of men with swords at their belts and rifles slung ontheir shoulders. \"If you want to learn about your owntreasure, you will have to give me one-tenth of your flock.\"\"What about one-tenth of my treasure?\"The old man looked disappointed. If someone isn't what others want them to be, the othersbecome angry. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 12 / 94succeeded in discovering your destiny.\"The boy didn't know what a person's \"destiny\" was.\"It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments,looking at the sword. \"This candy merchant isn't makingcandy so that later he can travel or marry a shopkeeper's daughter. The only thing he had noticed was that talk ofwar was becoming more and more frequent. The miner hadabandoned everything to go mining for emeralds. Thatmorning he had done some calculating: if he continued to work every dayas he had been, he would need a whole year to be able to buy some sheep.\"I'd like to build a display case for the crystal,\" the boy said to themerchant. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 46 / 94\"Go back to watching the caravan,\" he said. And you are at the pointwhere you're about to give it all up.\"\"And that's when you always appear on the scene?\"\"Not always in this way, but I always appear in one form or another.Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea. He knew nothing aboutthe customs of the strange land he was in.\"I'll just watch him,\" he said to himself. That's good, thought the Englishman. *The boy began again to read his book, but he was no longer able toconcentrate. He had learned that there werecertain things one shouldn't ask about, so as not to flee from one's owndestiny. He had assumed he would soon return to hissheep.\"Why did you want to get to the Pyramids?\" he asked, to get away from thebusiness of the display.\"Because I've always heard about them,\" the boy answered, saying nothingabout his dream. The shepherd told her of the Andalusian countryside, and related thenews from the other towns where he had stopped. It was shepherds who were the first to recognize a king that therest of the world refused to acknowledge. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 34 / 94and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.Tangier was no longer a strange city, and he felt that, just as he hadconquered this place, he could conquer the world.\"When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieveit,\" the old king had said.But the old king hadn't said anything about being robbed, or about endlessdeserts, or about people who know what their dreams are but don't want torealize them. As a child in church, he hadalways looked at the image of Saint Santiago Matamoros on his white horse,his sword unsheathed, and figures such as these kneeling at his feet. The boy was becoming more and more convincedthat alchemy could be learned in one's daily life.\"Also,\" said the Englishman, \"the Philosopher's Stone has a fascinatingproperty. In one he had read that, many years ago, afamous Arabian alchemist had visited Europe. And move along when it's time to move along.' He didn't want his hand to begin trembling, showing the old womanthat he was fearful. \"Well, I'm the king ofSalem!\"People say strange things, the boy thought. That doesn't happen to just anyone!He was planning as he left the bar. If he sold just one of hissheep, he'd have enough to get to the other shore of the strait. \"How many sheep do youhave?\"\"Enough,\" said the boy. They were fascinating stories:each of them lived out his destiny to the end. Take to the fields, and somedayyou'll learn that our countryside is the best, and our women the mostbeautiful.\"And he gave the boy his blessing. The boy knew a lot of people in the city. \"Not even the tribal chieftainsare able to see him when they want to. \"The Koran requires me tofeed a hungry person.\"\"Well then, why did you let me do it?\" the boy asked.\"Because the crystal was dirty. Then, like a colony of worker ants, theydismantled their stalls and left.The sun began its departure, as well. Neighbors movedaway, and there remained only a few small shops on the hill. The scabbard was embossed in silver, and thehandle was black and encrusted with precious stones. A huge wooden cross. But the stones were proof thathe had met with a kinga king who knew of the boy's past.\"They're called Urim and Thummim, and they can help you to read theomens.\" The boy put the stones back in the pouch and decided to do anexperiment. A lawyer. Arabs oftenappeared in the city, shopping and chanting their strange prayers severaltimes a day.\"Where are you from?\" the boy asked.\"From many places.\"\"No one can be from many places,\" the boy said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 35 / 94to care for sheep, and I haven't forgotten how that's done. But let's say that the most important is that you have Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 21 / 94He took his money from his pouch and showed it to the young man. Maybe no one here knows what analchemist is! They were people of the desert, and clamoredto hear his stories about the great cities.The boy told them about his life as a shepherd, and was about to tell themof his experiences at the crystal shop when the Englishman came into thetent.\"I've been looking for you all morning,\" he said, as he led the boy outside. The hooded Bedouinsreappeared more and more frequently, and the camel driverwho hadbecome a good friend of the boy'sexplained that the war between thetribes had already begun. He really was aking, a wise king.The hills of Andalusia were only two hours away, but there was an entiredesert between him and the Pyramids. 'You cannot trust a man if you don't know his house. The men of the oasis wanted to know if they hadseen any fighting, and the women competed with one another for access tothe cloth and precious stones brought by the merchants. Then, taking his sheep, hewalked away. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 3 / 94\"How did you learn to read?\" the girl asked at one point.\"Like everybody learns,\" he said. He owned a jacket, a book thathe could trade for another, and a flock of sheep. \"Hewanted your money,\" he said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 50 / 94here at the oasis.\"The woman said she had never heard of such a person, and hurried away.But before she fled, she advised the boy that he had better not try toconverse with women who were dressed in black, because they weremarried women. \"When I'm eating, that's all I think about. Published 1992. But as he held Urim and Thummim in his hand, theyhad transmitted to him the strength and will of the old king. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strongcurrent that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he firstmade the decision.When I decided to seek out my treasure, I never imagined that I'd wind upworking in a crystal shop, he thought. Butchildren always seem to be able to play with them without frightening them.I don't know why. So he began to wander through the city,and found himself at the gates. Outside, a hugecaravan was being prepared for a crossing of the Sahara, and wasscheduled to pass through Al-Fayoum.I'm going to find that damned alchemist, the Englishman thought. The Alchemist Quotes About Wisdom With Page Numbers. Some of them were things that he hadalready experienced, and weren't really new, but that he had neverperceived before. Yet the boy felt that there wasanother way to regard his situation: he was actually two hours closer to histreasure the fact that the two hours had stretched into an entire yeardidn't matter.I know why I want to get back to my flock, he thought. From there, he could see Africa inthe distance. He could see that the old man wanted to knowmore about his life.\"Well, then, we've got a problem. The oldman was probably a Gypsy, too.But before the boy could say anything, the old man leaned over, picked upa stick, and began to write in the sand of the plaza. He could always become a crystal salesman again. "It's the simple things in life that are most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.". The people will enjoy the tea andwant to buy the glasses. I'm going to become bitter and distrustful of people because oneperson betrayed me. It's going to test thecaravan's every step to see if it's in time, and, if it is, we will make it to theoasis.\"\"If either of us had joined this caravan based only on personal courage, butwithout understanding that language, this journey would have been muchmore difficult.\"They stood there looking at the moon.\"That's the magic of omens,\" said the boy. The boy explained that it wasn't important, since that sheep was themost intelligent of the flock, and produced the most wool.\"Where is the treasure?\" he asked.\"It's in Egypt, near the Pyramids.\"The boy was startled. As he read on, an old man sat down at his side andtried to strike up a conversation.\"What are they doing?\" the old man asked, pointing at the people in theplaza.\"Working,\" the boy answered dryly, making it look as if he wanted toconcentrate on his reading.Actually, he was thinking about shearing his sheep in front of themerchant's daughter, so that she could see that he was someone who wascapable of doing difficult things. "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.". The Alchemist is the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. His eyes filled with tears as he spoke of the Prophet. If he makes a buying mistake, it doesn't affect him much. He went over to the bakery and bought a loaf of bread, thinkingabout whether or not he should tell the baker what the old man had saidabout him. It'scalled the principle of favorability. *Two more months passed, and the shelf brought many customers into thecrystal shop. \"You brought a new feeling into my crystalshop. The boy knew what he was about to describe,though: the mysterious chain that links one thing to another, the same chainthat had caused him to become a shepherd, that had caused his recurringdream, that had brought him to a city near Africa, to find a king, and to berobbed in order to meet a crystal merchant, andThe closer one gets to realizing his destiny, the more that destiny becomeshis true reason for being, thought the boy.The caravan moved toward the east. Was at its strongest, and I have n't forgotten how to rely on theirown instincts because! Only thing he had a dream, he thought, as soon he... Had other hidden treasures, but that he hadalready experienced, and could go to Mecca begin trembling showing. Refused to acknowledge an old fort, built by the Moors a hundred and twentysheep, book... 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